Left to Right: Pam
Burling (President, Australia Travel and Tourism Professionals), Louis D'Amore (IIPT Founder and President),
and Daphne
Lowe Kelley
Left to Right:
Danielle Kojic (IIPT Graphic Designer), Louis D'Amore, and
Left to Right:
Louis D'Amore, Dr. Deborah Edwards (University of Technology Sydney), Mike
Hatton (CEO, Australian Federation of Travel Agents), and
Left to Right:
Cassandra Hawden (Kenvale
College student, who spoke about her volunteering
Daphne Lowe Kelley,
Ambassador for Timor-Leste,
Left to Right: Faye Alexander
(IIPT Conference Organizer), Louis D'Amore, PRE-CONFERENCE MEETING PHOTOS
Left to Right: At the Skal Sydney
July lunch meeting at the Sofitel Wentworth Hotel Marilyn Readhead (VP
Australia Chapter), Louis D'Amore, Daphne Lowe Kelley,
Left to Right: At the University of Sydney Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies: Louis D'Amore, Marilyn Readhead, Daphne Lowe Kelley, and Chris Richardson (Aboriginal Studies Coordinator, University of Western Sydney)
More Information, Contact: Click here for more information on the Australian Chapter of IIPT Return to Third Australian Conference page ..........................................................