IIPT has
assembled the following resources for those interested in more
information in the areas of peace and tourism:
- Links - This collection of links was
compiled by IIPT staff to reflect some of the leading and unique
organizations that show a similar
commitment to making the world a better place to travel, live on,
and preserve.
Occasional Papers - Our
IIPT Occasional Papers presents a range of views on Peace through
Tourism. We encourage their inclusion in any research papers.
Additional Papers - Here you will find a student written paper
that was awarded the IIPT Scholarship Award during the Third Global
Summit. We welcome any additional papers that you may wish to
External Papers - External
resources useful in tourism research.
Past Conferences Presentations:
Here you can access and download past IIPT global summits and
regional conferences keynote addresses, presentations, and papers.
3rd Global Summit Education Forum Proceedings: This document
features close to 30 papers and panel presentations by international
researchers and practitioners that address the contribution of the
world's largest industry to peace.
Finally, please note the wealth of
information that can also be found in the IIPT eNewsletters.

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