IIPT African Conference
Achieves Major Outcomes |
Our June newsletter reported that the 4th
IIPT African Conference on Peace through Tourism was the best
IIPT African Conference to date. We continue now with the second
half of our report on the 4th IIPT African Conference: The Conference, organized under the patronage of His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and hosted by
the Uganda Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry, brought
together more than 400 delegates from 33 countries sharing their
experiences, ideas, wisdom and commitments toward the Conference
theme of:
“Building Strategic Alliances for Sustainable Tourism
Peace, and Reconciliation on the African Continent.”
The 4th IIPT African Conference was our “best African
Conference to date” because of the important outcomes achieved –
marking a significant shift for IIPT from a “Declaratory Phase”
of Conferences and Summits – to an “Action and Implementation
Phase.” |

His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

Mayor Jack Ellis
Vice-President World Conference of Mayors on Tourism &
Economic Development

Most significant among the outcomes was the
announcement by His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in
his Keynote Address that Uganda will adopt Tourism
Legislation in support of the UN Millennium Development
Goals. Uganda will be the first nation in the world to
adopt this milestone legislation. Other significant outcomes included:
- Proclamation of May 20 to May 26 as “National
Peace through Tourism Week” by Conference Patron,
His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni;
- Launch of Uganda Martyr’s Trail as a legacy of
the Conference;
- Dedication of IIPT International Peace Park at
Martyr’s Trail;
- Announcement of Four Sister Cities;
- Africa Diaspora Heritage Trail (ADHT) to be
launched in Uganda;
- Plans to introduce the READ Global Library project in
Uganda – the first READ Global project in Africa –
in collaboration with Rotary International;
- First IIPT Lifetime Acheivement Award presented
to Mira Berman, Executive Director Emeritus, Africa
Travel Association;
- Launch of Graduate Level Peace through Tourism
Program at WICE (World Leisure Center of Excellence)
Wageningen University in partnership with IIPT;
- Partnering of Makerere University with leading
universities in Australia;
- IIPT Scholarship Award announced to
Inter-disciplinary team of students writing the best
paper on “Tourism Contribution to the UN Millennium
Development Goals;”
- First Africa Media Exchange with participating
journalists, editors and publishers from Africa,
Europe and North America committed to enhancing the
international image of Africa;
- Training Workshops regarding Hotel Revenue
Management, Destination Marketing, Community
Tourism, and Guiding; and
- Ministers Roundtables on Healing Wounds of
Conflict through Tourism Culture and Sport;
Enhancing the Contribution of Tourism to Poverty
Reduction and the UN Millennium Development Goals;
and the Africa Diaspora Heritage Trail.
IIPT President Louis D’Amore congratulates
Uganda Martyr's Trail Basilica, President D’Amore
planting the first peace tree
President Museveni on introducing Tourism Namugongo – Uganda
in the newly launched IIPT International Peace Park
Legislation and UN MDG. Looking on:
at the site of the Martyr’s Trail.
Dr. Noel Brown and Minister
Serapio Rukundo
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Focus of 4th IIPT African Conference
UN MDG, Poverty Reduction, and Reconciliation |
The focus of the 4th IIPT African Conference
was on the role and potential of tourism to
contribute to the UN Millennium Development
Goals, Poverty Reduction and Socio-Economic
Development, Reconciliation and Healing Wounds
of Conflict, and Expanding Market opportunities
for Africa.
As well, the Conference sought to develop
communication strategies leading to a more
balanced and positive image of Africa – its
lands, its cultures and its peoples- in regions
throughout the world. (Please see Media Exchange
article below). Recommendations were made on
stimulating development, creating employment,
and generating local incomes through localized
niche markets based on community tourism,
cultural tourism, eco-tourism, agro-tourism
and cultural tourism.
The most significant contributions would arise
from supporting nature conservation and
environmental protection and empowering local
communities with capacity building in
governance, cost benefit analysis,
entrepreneurial skills and contract management.
While emphasis should be on mainstreaming
sustainability in the entire sector including
mass tourism, it was necessary to identify
innovative ways of linking tourism to host
communities through small and medium
enterprises, provision of micro credits and
re-branding the image of Africa.
Promotion of good governance and a favorable
legal and regulatory environment was a key
ingredient to sustainable tourism development
and poverty reduction, especially taking
advantage of the changing perception of
international finance institutions like the
World Bank, and the increasing technical
expertise, skills development and access to
Culture and sport can be harnessed to build in
conjunction with sustainable tourism
development, to build values of social
inclusion, empower young people, promote the
development of children, and contribute to
health, education and socio-economic
The experience of South Africa through the Peace
and Reconciliation commission serves as a point
of reference for similar processes of
Reconciliation and healing wounds of conflict
To be successful, there is a pre requisite for
sincere reconciliation, community, state and/or
nation building with assertion of legitimacy
without exacting revenge. Providing a roadmap
for constructive involvement of all people was a
necessary condition to moving in the direction
of post conflict harmony and common progress.
The Way Forward
There was consensus that the way forward for
Africa is to establish tourism policy consistent
with the MDG’s, and to undertake collective
action for image change through public and
private investment in tourism. This to be
accompanied by enhancement of equity in benefits
from tourism to local host communities, thereby
reducing poverty and the incidence of conflict.

Hon. Mrs. Thandi F. Shongwe
H. E. Mr. Joseph Malwal Dong, Minister of
Hon. Ms. Rejoice Mabudafhasi, Deputy
Minister of Tourism, Environment
Tourism and Wildlife, Sudan
Minister of Environmental Affairs and
and Communications, Swaziland
Tourism Republic of South Africa

H.E. Senator Akel Biltaji
presents artist’s sculpture
Left to Right: Minister Dong, Sudan; H.E.
Senator Akel Biltaji, Jordan;
of Petra, one of the new 7 Wonders of the World
to Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi,
South Africa; Louis D'Amore, IIPT; and
IIPT President Louis D’Amore: special gift from
Minister Rukundo, Uganda.
H.M. King Abdullah II |

Hon. Serapio Rukundo,
Minister of State

H.E. Senator Akel
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Dr. Noel Brown
Chairman, IIPT International Advisory Board

S.E. Mme. Yvonne Mboissona, Ministre du Tourisme République

Dr. Dawid de
former Deputy secretary UNWTO

Hon. Prof. Jumanne A. Maghembe
Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Tanzania

Desta Mebratu, PhD., Regional Officer, UNEP Division of Technology, Industry &
Economics (DTIE) Regional Office, Africa |
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The first ever Africa Media Exchange (A-MEx),
organized in partnership with Counterpart International, and bringing
together noted journalists from Africa, Europe, North America and the
Caribbean, was a further innovation towards significant outcomes.
The aim of A-MEx was to develop communication strategies – actions - and
commitments, leading to a more balanced and positive image of Africa –
its lands, its cultures, and its peoples in regions throughout the
The Media Exchange was facilitated by Sandy Dhuyvetter, Travel Talk
Media, and moderated by Mr. John Bigyemano, noted Uganda Media
Featured speakers included: Thomas Steinmetz, Publisher, eTurbo News,
Victor A. Banjo, Chief Human Resources & Services Officer, Virgin
Nigeria Airways; Soni Irabor, Broadcast Journalist; Ibrahim Famakan
Coulibaly, President West African Journalists Association (WAJA); Sally
McKinney, Society of American Travel Writers; Karen Hoffman, Senior Vice
President, Bradford Group; Peter Ssematimba, Managing Director Super FM;
John Nagenda, Preseidential Press Advisor, William Pike, former managing
Director NewVision and Director Capital FM.
A-MEx resulted in several concrete recommendations including proposals
to “Brand” Africa with a well-conceived and coordinated media campaign.
A successful campaign will require a process of stakeholder
inclusiveness and “trust building” between members of the industry and
the media. Also emphasized was the need to lobby governments and the
private sector to fund such a campaign.
Other proposals included creation of an African Interactive Travel
channel and open forum; exploitation of opportunities through
utilization of the abundant ICT opportunities and the film industry;
targeted media training on relevant themes; and use of media awards for
qualitative and consistent reporting on sustainable tourism would
motivate media personnel. It was noted that African media should
contextualise progressive African nature & hospitality based campaigns.
As well, several proposals to promote peace through tourism were made.
Including the integration of the peace through tourism concept in
tourism education programs.
Delegates suggested that the media needs to re-orient its focus from
revenue generated through running tourism messages to the message of
tourism itself. |

Thomas Steinmetz

Minister Rukundo, Uganda

Sandy Dhuyvetter

Soni Irabor,
Broadcast Journalist
and Dr. Omar Mouffakir,
CHN University, Netherlands |

Karen Hoffman
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Application of Peace through Tourism
Discussed throughout Concurrent Sessions |
The concurrent session program of the 4th IIPT African Conference was
designed to demonstrate how the concept of peace through tourism is
applied to specific case study examples. Workshops and presentations
were provided by a number of high profile speakers from across Africa,
Europe, and the USA. The program provided four break-out periods,
totaling eighteen different concurrent sessions.
Instructional workshops held included: |
- “Hotel Owners Workshop” by Juston Parker, President and CEO,
Parker Hospitality Group, Inc.
- “Destination Marketing” by Markly Wilson, Director of
International Marketing, New York State Division of Tourism;
- “African Diaspora Heritage Trail” by Dr. Gaynelle
Henderson-Bailey, President, Henderson Associates; and
- “Developing Community Based Ecotourism for Peace and
Sustainability” by Douglas Trent, Sustainable Community Development
and Conservation Inc. and Mary Katherine Cope, Vice-President Africa,
International Executive Service Corps

Juston Parker, President & CEO
Parker Hospitality Group

Markly Wilson, Int'l. Marketing Director
New York State Division of Tourism

Gaynelle Henderson, President
Henderson Travel

Douglas Trent, Community Ecotourism
Sustainable Community Development
and Conservation Inc. |
Additional sessions were organized on the following topics: |
- Tourism Contribution to Poverty
- Healing the Wounds of Conflict
- Micro-Enterprise and SME Tourism Development
- Enhancing Our Environment
- Cultural and Heritage Tourism
- Building Bridges of Tourism, Friendship and Collaboration
- Volunteer and Philanthropic Tourism
- Models of Sustainable Tourism
- Community Based Tourism
- Public-Private-NGO Partnerships and Alliances
- Education and Training
- Women’s Economic Empowerment
- Advances in Tourism Research: Academic Perspectives
- Sports for Peace and Development
Stimulating discussions pursued the theoretical application to practical
examples being carried out in the field. Speakers described the nature
of their projects and addressed key success factors as well as how
obstacles encountered were overcome. Delegates were motivated to share
their relevant experiences and ask important questions.
IIPT is grateful to the many speakers who contributed to our program and
shared their fascinating case studies. Detailed information on
presentations and speaker background is available from the conference
website. |

Nishit Charadva, Amy Sotherden,
Markly Wilson, and Blanca Camargo

1st Row: Minister Rukundo, Uganda;
Minister Dong, Sudan; nd Row: Gail Parsonage, Louis D'Amore, Daphne Lowe
Kelley and Ian Kelly |

Ian Kelly, Daphne Lowe Kelley, Amy
and Markly Wilson
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Educators Agree to Collaborate in
Development of Educational Materials
Educators at the Pre-Conference Educators Forum agreed to collaborate
through the IIPT International Educational Network to further develop
educational materials for use by industry, communities and institutions.
Educators agreed that it was necessary to pursue research and education
on the eradication, rather than the alleviation, of poverty, an
objective which was taken on by Ian Kelly, Coordinator of the IIPT
International Educators Network.
Other major outcomes of the Forum included agreement of IIPT to partner
with Wageningen University (Netherlands) in a graduate “Peace through
Tourism” program that has been developed by Professor, Jan te Kloeze;
and a proposal for an IIPT European Conference to be hosted by CHN
University (Netherlands) that was represented by Professor Omar
Educators also noted the important role of the media in effectively
communicating to policy makers on the topics of peace, security and
sustainable tourism, and the key role of tour guides in communicating
the ‘Peace through Tourism’ concept in all its dimensions.
The Educators Forum was organized by Ian Kelly, Coordinator, IIPT
International Educators Network, Hussein Sosovele, University of Dar es
Salaam and Coordinator, IIPT African Educators Network, Alex Nkabahona
and Levi Twinohumangi, both of Makerere University.
The Forum covered a range of topics from theory to practice and from a
broad global perspective to an African perspective. The key role of
tourism in contributing to post-conflict Reconciliation was the topic of
one session with emphasis given to African traditions, particularly the
Rwandan practice of gacaca. The process of reintegrating former
combatants of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) into the communities of
Northern Uganda was also highlighted and the potential for ecotourism,
with its dependence on cooperation for environmental protection,
constitutes a tool for reconciliation.
Promoting Sustainability and addressing Poverty were other areas of
focus during the Forum. Discussions included a model for integrated
planning to optimize the socio-cultural impacts of tourism; combating
poverty in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area of Tanzania; a comprehensive
overview of South Africa’s Tourism Enterprise Program (TEP); and case
studies regarding efforts to combat poverty in Kenya and Ghana.
Ian Kelly outlined the contribution of the International Educators
Network in circulating information, providing access to resource
materials and plans for expansion of these initiatives and for closer
collaboration with the African Educators Network. |

Educators Forum participants with Ian Kelly IIPT Network |

in Educators Forum |
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than 70 Youth Take Part in
IIPT Student/Youth Leadership Forum |
More than 70 students and youth participated in the
IIPT Student/Youth Leadership Forum that was held prior to the 4th IIPT
African Conference.
Senator Wayne Caines, Bermuda Chief of Staff was a featured guest
speaker at the Forum.
Other speakers/presenters included students and youth leaders addressing
issues including Youth Leadership for the 21st Century, Capacity
Building and Development, Role of Young People in the Travel and Tourism
Industry, and the Effective Use of ICT to Ensure Global Outreach and
Participants in the forum reviewed the IIPT Youth Declaration adopted at
the 3rd IIPT African Conference, Lusaka, Zambia (2005) and discussed
ways of working together to reach out to more young people throughout
Africa with a view towards collaborating in areas of Youth Leadership
and Empowerment, and encouraging young people to travel as “Ambassadors
for Peace.”
Outcomes of the Forum included a proposal for the involvement of Youth
in the design and implementation of segments of African Diaspora
Heritage Trail (ADHT) and plans for the development of an IIPT Youth
Website where resources and materials related to Youth Empowerment &
Leadership in Travel & Tourism Industry will be accessible.
The website will include an online social network where members of the
IIPT International Student/Youth Leadership network can communicate with
one another to exchange and share ideas. |

Youth Forum delegates participate in breakout
meeting |

Trip Sweney, Step Up Travel, presenting
at Youth Forum |
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IIPT Scholarship
Award Announced |
IIPT has established a tradition of awarding a
scholarship at each of its conferences and summits to the university
student writing the best paper on “Building a Culture of Peace through
Tourism” – or on the particular theme of the conference.
Recognizing that we are living in an increasingly complex world
requiring inter-disciplinary approaches to both understanding issues –
and finding solutions to them, this year’s US$ 1,000 scholarship was
presented to the inter-disciplinary team of students writing the best
paper on “The Potential of Tourism to Contribute to the UN Millennium
Development Goals.”
Thanks to the efforts of IIPT Student Network Coordinator, Nishit
Charadva; IIPT Education Network Coordinator, Ian Kelly together with ,
Hussein Sosovele, University of Dar es Salaam, Coordinator, IIPT African
Educators Network; and Alex Nkabahona and Levi Twinohumangi, both of
Makerere University – who also served as judges for the competition,
this year’s submissions for an African Conference were the best to date
– both quantitatively and qualitatively.
IIPT was most proud to present the scholarship award to Deodatus Mtaki,
Atililio Mganwa and Amina Chavula of Tumaini University, Iringa,
Tanzania. The title of their winning paper was: "The Role of Tourism in
Eradication of Poverty and Hunger: A Strategic Movement towards
Achieving UN Millennium Development Goals". |

Nishit Chadavra IIPT Student Coordinator and
Amina Chavula, Deodatus Mtaki and
Atililio Mganwa at the moment they received their
prize |
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Post IIPT Conference Activity Engaging
Youth in Volunteer Tourism |
Following a successful Student/Youth
Leadership Forum, and participation in the
4th IIPT African Conference, 25 youth delegates from Uganda,
Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Zambia, Colombia, and the United
States participated in a post-Conference volunteer project in
Jinja, Uganda. The purpose of the project was to engage our
youth in a first hand experience with a spirit of “giving back”
and promoting volunteer & philanthropic tourism by assisting the
welcoming community we visited and learned from.
IIPT youth delegates assisted the Rotary
Club of Jinja and the Stroke Prevention Society of Uganda with a
day long Stroke Prevention and Awareness Camp held on Saturday,
May 26th at the public Jinja Regional Hospital.
There were over 400 community members who attended the free
clinic and learned about their risk for stroke.
Dr. Catherine, who coordinated the event
with Peace Kyarisima, Amy Sotherden, and Nishit Charadva, put
our many IIPT youth delegates to work alongside doctors and
hospital staff. Tasks included: talking about nutrition and how
to eat a proper diet, helping with registration, measuring
weight and height, and cleaning a part of the women’s ward. The
doctors performed in-depth diagnosis on the patients and
referred those who needed it for further medical treatment.
With the help of friends and well wishers,
the IIPT Youth Network also donated 208,000Ugandan Shillings (USD
130) towards the health camp. Youth delegates described their
experience as opening their hearts and minds to becoming more
involved in other volunteer opportunities available in their own
communities and when traveling. |

IIPT delegation presenting contribution to Stroke
and Awareness Camp |

Youth delegates volunteering to help prevent
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A Note of Thanks
and Appreciation to our
Conference Partners and Sponsors |
IIPT would like to express its sincere thanks
and appreciation to all who contributed to the success of the 4th IIPT
African Conference – and particularly to:
Conference Patron His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni;
Our gracious and generous host, the Uganda Ministry of Tourism, Trade
and Industry, particularly Minister Serapio Rukundo, members of the
Uganda National Organizing Committee, and the friendly people of Uganda.
The Kampala Serena Hotel, for their excellent service and hospitality;
Our Partners: The UN World Tourism Organization, United Nations
Environment Program, Africa Travel Association, and Counterpart
Our Sponsors: Bermuda Department of Tourism; Zambia Ministry of Tourism,
Environment and Natural Resources, and the Jordan Tourism Board
Our Media Partners: eTurbo News, Travel Talk Media; Travel Agent Media
Group, Africa Travel Magazine, Travel World News, Travel Weekly and
IIPT would also like to express its appreciation to the many
organizations and volunteers who contributed to the success of the
conference – and of course our many speakers who contributed their time,
wisdom, ideas and experiences – and the more than 400 delegates who
participated enthusiastically and tirelessly – and also contributed
their insights, ideas, experience and wisdom. |
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4th IIPT
African Conference
Sponsors |

Bermuda Department of Tourism |

Ministry of Tourism
Republic of Zambia |

Jordan Tourism Board |
Partners |
.jpg) |
Media Partners |



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Your Support with One Earth One Family
IIPT Plaques and Gift Cards
Created exclusively for IIPT, both items
display the IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler
and Art Piece by R. Padre Johnson.
The Credo of the Peaceful Traveler puts
forth an ethical travel philosophy for travelers to abide by. The IIPT
Credo of the Peaceful Traveler was the inspiration of a very special person at
the IIPT First Global Conference: Tourism - A Vital Force for Peace, Vancouver
1988. We have respected the author's request to remain annonymous. The IIPT
Credo has since spread across the travel and tourism industry worldwide. |
The One Earth One Family art piece
by R. Padre
Johnson provides a view of our incredible earth from outer space, surrounded by the open
faces of 25 children and adults from different cultures. Each portrait represents an important visual statement
about the unique and interesting facial difference in each individual, the
culture and ethnicity each represents, and the limitless threads of common
humanity that draws all citizens of our planet more closely together as one
inter-dependent family.
These items will remind all who see or
receive them of what a privilege it is to travel freely throughout the world and
the opportunity they have as they travel to be ambassadors of international
understanding, good will and peace. These items will be admired and appreciated
by everyone who sees them in your office, place of business or home.
Costs are $200 (US) plus shipping for an Acrylic
Plaque, and $15 (US) plus shipping for a Gift Card pack of 10 Cards and Envelopes.
To order online or by fax/mail, please visit our
About IIPT
The International Institute for
Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to
fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international
understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the
preservation of heritage, and poverty reduction; and through these
initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.
It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and
tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief
that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.”
For more information:
IIPT Website:
Tel: (802) 253-2658
Fax: (802) 253-2645
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