Fee of US$ 250 includes Welcoming
Reception, two days of guided walks in the
Footsteps of St. Francis, full two days of
the conference, and lunches all four days.
Registration fees do not include transportation,
lodging, breakfast or dinners.
block of 70 rooms has been reserved at La
Citadella, the conference venue, at a
room rate of approximately US$ 33
single (depending on the exchange rate)
breakfast included.
Rooms are traditional “Franciscan” style rooms i.e.
a single bed (some double rooms at a
slightly higher cost), desk, lamp and phone.
Reservations must be made no later than 15
September. Please reserve early as
October is a peak month in Assisi. We have
been advised that rooms will be difficult to
make your room reservations directly with
Simin Kayod, Conference Organizer, when
registering. Please indicate date of
arrival, date of departure, and if you
require a single or double room.Contact information for Simin is
indicated below.
Travel – Alitalia
Alitalia is the
official airline of the Conference.Round trip fare from New York (JFK or
Newark) is US$550 plus tax.Alitalia also flies from Boston,
Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles and San
Francisco.To make reservations and/or for more
information, please contact Alitalia
directly – Sandra Varsi212 903-3356; E-Mail:
referring to the IIPT Assisi Conference.
Outside the U.S. Please contact your local
Alitalia office referring them to Ms. Varsi
in New York.