2006 Issue

IIPT Partner Launches World Peace Passport

Peace. It's an attitude.  That's the message that emanated from Hilton Head Island Beach & Tennis Resort on August 7th as World Peace Passport was launched by IIPT Coalition Partner American Hospitality Academy.

passport (22K)

World Peace Passport is a grassroots movement to promote peace through education and tourism. Created by the American Hospitality Academy (AHA), the World Peace Passport, a non-profit organization, is a global peace education movement designed to foster a spirit of tolerance, respect and understanding among all races and cultures. “As a reflection of this mission,” says Cindi Reiman, AHA  President, “there is great value placed on creating multi-cultural learning environments that inspire and encourage tolerance, respect, and the celebration of diversity. The World Peace Passport will provide educational books and materials for both elementary schools and the travel and tourism industry, designed to inspire and challenge both children and adults to choose an attitude of peace.”

Designed to help dispel the myth that “different” is dangerous, the World Peace Passport is a fun and informative cultural journey, featuring four “peace stamps” that must be acquired by travelers in order to pass through customs: Understanding Culture, Breaking Down Stereotypes, Respecting Cultural Differences, and Celebrating Diversity.

It is our hope,” says Reiman, “that via the teaching and sharing of these four simple concepts, the World Peace Passport will help students, educators, and travelers learn how to choose and demonstrate an attitude of peace.”

World Peace Passport was created by the American Hospitality Academy, one of the world’s largest and most respected cultural exchange programs within the travel and tourism industry. For the past 20 years, AHA has been inspiring young adults to be caring world citizens through their college internship program. More than 1,000 students from academic institutions around the world participate annually in the AHA’s training program graduating as Cultural Ambassadors for both the U.S. and their home country.

World Peace Passport was inspired by AHA’s Cultural Ambassadors who taught one another that although their cultural customs and traditions differed, they had the same hopes and dreams for a peaceful future.

IIPT Intern Back Safely From Lebanon

Cornell Hotel School student Ethan Hawkes began a summer internship with IIPT at IIPT headquarters in Stowe, Vermont – and saw its completion with a U.S. Marine helicopter evacuation from Beirut, Lebanon in the midst of the sights and sounds of the recent Israeli - Lebanon conflict.  Ethan was one of three interns at IIPT this summer together with Blanca Camargo from Colombia, and Susan Mbuthia from Kenya. While Blanca and Susan started and completed their internship at IIPT headquarters, Ethan was seeking an overseas experience.

One of the options presented was with IIPT partner International Executive Service Corps (IESC) to assist in development of Lebanon’s emerging tourism industry – particularly the small and medium enterprise segment, consisting of hundreds of Lebanese family owned ventures.

Ethan’s contribution focused on the industry’s online marketing and electronic distribution efforts which involved building a database of hotels, B&Bs, travel agents, and tour operators and assessing their online participation levels. Beyond building the database and consumer behavior data, Ethan conducted 20 meetings with a variety of groups, each representing a specific center of interest or influence.


Mid way into the assignment, Ethan was with the IESC field team in the middle of a discussion with a property manager in Byblos, the oldest continuously inhabited city in the Middle East, when warnings came as news of the kidnapping (of the two Israeli soldiers) spread.  


That night, back at the hotel, Ethan woke up to the sound of four F-16’s cruising overhead followed by the initial bombing of the Beirut airport which he saw from his hotel window.  


Six days into the conflict, Ethan received a phone call from the U.S. Embassy saying that he had one hour to arrive to be evacuated. With his laptop in hand – Ethan made it to the Embassy on the outskirts of Beirut and on to a CH-53 helicopter destined for Cyprus –from where he left for Paris – and back to the U.S.


Looking Back

“While it is still too early to fully process the experience and draw conclusions, this summer, dedicated to developing new skill sets and learning about the interconnect of peace and tourism, provided a great deal to reflect on. Overall, I very much value my Lebanon experience from both a personal and professional perspective. I learned a tremendous amount and met some wonderful, brave people. Moreover, I saw some of the challenges facing business owners, especially those who are dependant on tourism, in this difficult environment. While Lebanon is a phenomenal country for tourism, it is ultimately dependant on stability in the region.”

Ethan Hawkes       

IIPT to Partner in 3rd Annual World Tourism Forum

IIPT will be a partner in Destinations 2006, the Third Annual World Tourism Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development being held November 29th to December 2nd in Porto Alegre, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. 

Once again, the Summit will bring together representatives of both governmental and inter-governmental agencies and the third sector, entrepreneurs and professionals of the tourism segment, as well as scholars and students from over 60 countries, to discuss and disseminate good practices and solutions aiming

The Forum will be a global exchange of experiences, strategies and innovative solutions promoting sustainable tourism, social, and economic development.  Theme of the event is “alliance among business, governments & social organizations changing the destinies of people, communities and nations”.

Various meetings compose the Technical Institutional Agenda of Destinations2006, such as: 3rd Seminar on Sustainable Tourism and Childhood, Latin America Tourism Ministers Meeting, UNEP Meeting “Towards Responsible Travel: revealing the power of consumers”, UNWTO Affiliate Members General Summit and Committee Meetings.

Destinations 2006 is the third and last Annual Summit of the World Tourism Forum to be held in Brazil . As of 2007, the Forum, a global, permanent and continuous movement, will have another host country. One of the highlights of Destinations2006 will be the closing ceremony, in which the achievements and advances accomplished in Brazil by the movement during the triennium 2004-2006 will be assessed and a vision for the continuity of the Forum after 2007 will be presented.

Opening Ceremony: Walfrido dos Mares Guia, Brazil´s Minister of Tourism, Rosinha Matheus, Governor of Rio de Janeiro, and Gilberto Gil, Brazil´s Minister of Culture

General Assembly of the World Tourism Forum: Lelei Lelaulu, Otávio Leite, Sergio Foguel, Sergio Ricardo and Francesco Frangialli

Ibero-American Tourism and Handicraft Seminar: Maria Luisa Machado, Indrasen Vencatachellum, Pedro Flores, Carlos Maldonato, Victor Lejarreta


ASTA - Dedicated to the Business of Selling Travel

IIPT is proud to be a sponsor of THETRADESHOW 2006 (Travel Retailing and Destination Expo) being held in Orlando, Florida, Sept. 10-12, 2006.

THETRADESHOW 2006 provides a major opportunity for collaboration with ASTA and its partners in promoting travel throughout the world as a vital force for international understanding and peace.

Clearly, the mission of IIPT in “Building a Culture of Peace through Tourism” has never been more important. The participation of IIPT and its members in THETRADESHOW  2006 will encourage other attendees to spread the word throughout the world that “Every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace.” It is only through travel and people-to-people encounters that we can come to realize the full significance of our inter-connectedness and common future in an ever shrinking “Global Village.” 

IIPT will use the occasion of THETRADESHOW 2006 to launch “World Peace Travel” – the travel division of IIPT and inviting ASTA members to join in this venture.  We hope that you will be able to join with us and ASTA for this important event.

THETRADESHOW 2006 is a global and inclusive in-depth networking and educational event. It unites under one roof travel suppliers and buyers from all over the world, representing every segment of the travel and tourism industry. It will host more than 2,000 travel sellers and 1,000 consumers in just three days at one site. Formed from the partnership of the leading travel associations, THETRADESHOW 2006 will include two full days of open floor trade show, business-to-business appointments, a trade and consumer day (Sunday) and two trade only days (Monday and Tuesday). Travel sellers will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with suppliers and to learn in-depth about their products.

When registering for THETRADESHOW  2006 as an Exhibitor, Supplier or Buyer, please mention that you are an IIPT member and also let IIPT know of your planned registration (

For more information on THETRADESHOW  2006, call 1.866.870.9333 or visit We look forward to seeing you in Orlando.

IIPT To Partner in African Diaspora Heritage Trail Global Conference

The African Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference, September 27-October 1, 2006Bermuda will be host to an international African Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference, September 27-October 1, 2006.  The Conference, sponsored by the Bermuda Department of Tourism and co-chaired by actor/community activist Danny Glover, is part of an initiative to unite African descendents from all over the world in order to enhance cross-border cultural tourism successes and promote stabilization of economies in Diaspora communities.

IIPT is proud to be a partner in the ADHT Conference that will bring together scholars and high-ranking government officials dedicated to the economic and cultural issues within Diaspora communities worldwide.  Conference co-chairs Danny Glover and Dr. Raddell Tankard of Bermuda will be joined by guest speakers that include: Dr. Wole Soyinka, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and noted Correspondent to National Public Radio’s Cultural Desk; The Honorable Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey, Ghanian Minister of Tourism and President of the African Travel Association; The Honorable Andrew Young, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Dr. Lonnie Bunch, Founding Director of the new African American Museum and Center for African American Culture, Smithsonian Institute of Washington, D.C.; and Dr. The Honorable Ewart Brown, JP, MP, Bermuda’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Tourism and Transport, as they, and other international speakers, offer insight as presenters and panelists on the important issues at hand.

“The island of Bermuda is honored to welcome these knowledgeable Diaspora scholars to offer their thoughts on African heritage and advancing the growing sector of cultural tourism,” said Dr. Brown.  “Cultural travel is on the rise, and its success is vital to Diaspora communities as it not only enriches the economies and also awareness of each area’s unique historical significance.”

Danny Glover
Danny Glover

Dr. The Honorable Ewart Brown, JP, MP, Bermuda’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Tourism and Transport
Dr. The Honorable Ewart Brown, JP, MP, Bermuda’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Tourism and Transport

The Bermuda Department of Tourism, in conjunction with various global tourism and cultural associations, such as UNESCO, the Africa Travel Association, the Caribbean Tourism Organization, International Institute of Peace through Tourism, World Tourism Organization and Travel Professionals of Color, has developed four full days of informative lectures and discussions, an unprecedented International African Diaspora Cultural Heritage Travel and Trade Show, tours of Bermuda’s Diaspora Trail sites -- including the town of St. Georges, a UNESCO World Heritage Site -- and evenings filled with international cuisine and live entertainment.

For more information, please contact:
Jessica Soklow / Katie McCall
Lou Hammond & Associates
Tel: 212-308-8880; Fax: 212-891-0200
E-mail: /

About IIPT

The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, and poverty reduction; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.  It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.”

For more information:
IIPT Website:
Tel: (802) 253-2658
Fax: (802) 253-2645

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