OCTOBER 2-5, 2005
Pattaya Declared a ‘City of Peace’
as Legacy of 3rd Global Summit
on Peace through Tourism: One
Earth One Family
IIPT Founder and
President Louis D’Amore, Mayor Niran Wattanasartsathorn and H.E. Suwat
Liptapantop, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand listen intently to H.E.
Akel Biltaji, Special Advisor to H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan during
Opening Ceremony.
Photos © Pattaya News
Khun Nirum Wattanasartsaton, Mayor of Pattaya
City declared Pattaya a ‘City of Peace’ during a special ceremony at the 3rd
Global Summit on Peace through Tourism at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort and
Conference Center October 2-5, 2005. Joining with the Mayor was IIPT
Founder and President Louis D’Amore, and Niels Colov of Rotary
As part of the Ceremony – An IIPT
International Peace Park was dedicated with delegates from each continent
taking part together with members of Pattaya Rotary and dignitaries from
Pattaya City.
The 3rd Global Summit on Peace
through Tourism took place from October 2-5, 2005.

Senior delegates
from Jordan, Israel and Palestinian National Authority opening their minds
and their hearts to one another during the Welcoming Reception.
Photo © Pattaya News

Khun Nirum Wattanasartsaton,
Mayor of Pattaya City
Photo © Kristie McLean |

His Excellency Mr. Suwat Liptapanlop,
Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand
Photo © Pattaya News |
Khun Nirum
Wattanasartsaton welcomed delegates to Pattaya and the Summit at the
Opening Ceremony on Monday.
His Excellency Mr. Suwat Liptapanlop,
Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand welcomed delegates on behalf of the
people of Thailand, and delivered the Summit Keynote address.
The Regent’s Junior Singers inspired
delegates with a performance that included the an original composition
by Choir Director Bill Thomson ‘One Earth One Family’ in honor of the
Children of the World. |
Regents Junior Singers inspiring
audience with the premier performance of ‘One Earth One Family’
Photos © Pattaya News |
Theme of the 3rd Global Summit was “One Earth One Family:
Travel and Tourism – Serving a Higher Purpose.”

Ms. Kathryn W. Sudeikis, CTC,
President and CEO, American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) and Dr.
Kim Hak Su, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP) during first plenary
session, “Global Perspectives on Tourism in the Service of Humanity
and the Earth.”
Photo © Kristie McLean |
Within this theme, the
Summit addressed the role of Tourism in advancing the U.N. Millennium
Development Goals; A Strategic Response to International Terrorism;
Healing the Wounds of Conflict through Tourism, Culture and Sport; a
Sustained Travel Industry Response to the Social and Economic
Re-Vitalization of Tsunami Affected Areas; and other topic areas related
to environment, community tourism, the media, accessible travel for all,
empowering youth, indigenous tourism, cultural tourism, indigenous
tourism, volunteer tourism, destination crisis management, and poverty
reduction. |

Mr. Peter
de Jong, President and CEO, Pacific Asia Travel Association moderating
panel discussion on “The Asian Tsunami and World Travel Industry – A
Sustained Response to Social and Economic Development” with Dr. Tom
Selanniemi, Chairman, Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism;
Hiran Cooray, President, Tourist Hotels Association, Sri Lanka; and
spokesperson for H.E. Air Chief Marshal Kongsak Vantana, Minister of
Interior, Thailand, Mr. Suporn Ratananakin Director of Research and
International Cooperation Bureau Department of Disaster Prevention and
Mitigation Ministry of Interior.
Photo © Kristie McLean

sharing insights during plenary session “A Strategic Tourism Industry
Response to International Terrorism.” Taking part in the debate:
Ambassador Mr. Juan Manuel Lopez Nadal, Spain; Ambassador Ibrahim Usuf,
Republic of Indonesia; Mr. Uzi Yalon, Honorary Life Time President, SKAL
International H.E. Eng. Ziad Al-Bandak, Minister of Tourism and
Antiquities, Palestinian National Authority; and Mr. James Lu,
International Hotel Association; with Moderator H.E. Akel Biltaji center.
Each member of the panel, including the Moderator, had been a refugee at
one time in their life.
Photo © Kristie McLean

the Wounds of Conflict” Plenary panelists H.E. Veng Sereyvuth, Senior
Minister, Cambodia; Hon. Daudi Migereko, Minister of Trade, Tourism and
Wildlife, Republic of Uganda; Hon. Rejoice Thizwilondi, Deputy Minister,
Environmental Affairs; H.E. Eduardo Jonato S. Chingunji, Minister of
Hotels and Tourism, Angola; and Mr. U.S. Chung, Chairman and CEO,
Federation of Korea Travel Associations with Moderator H.E. Akel Biltaji
Photo © Kristie
A special African Luncheon
was hosted by the Republic of Uganda and the Ministry of Tourism,
environment and Natural Resources, Republic of Zambia. Hon. Daudi
Migereko, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Wildlife, Republic of Uganda,
used the occasion of the Luncheon to announce on behalf of His Excellency
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President, Republic of Uganda, that the Republic
of Uganda will host the 4th IIPT African Conference in early
2007. |
Hon. Daudi
Migereko, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Wildlife, Republic of Uganda
and Louis D’Amore, IIPT Founder and President sign agreement for 4th
IIPT African Conference to be held in Uganda in partnership with the
Africa Travel Association.
Photo © Pattaya News |

Peter de Jong,
President and CEO, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and Hon. Kabinga
J. Pande, President, Africa Travel Association and Minister of Tourism,
Environment and Natural Resources sign agreement in anticipation of a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) forging an Asia – Africa Bridge of
Tourism, Friendship and Collaboration.
Photo © Kristie McLean
The African Luncheon featured the signing of an
Agreement between the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and the
Africa Travel Association (ATA) as a first step towards drafting a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the aim of forging an Asia – Africa
Bridge of Tourism, Friendship, and Collaboration.

U.S. Chung, President and CEO, Korea Tourism Associations receives
award on behalf of Mr. Chung Ju Young (1915 – 2001), Founder, Hyundai
Business Group.
Photo © Pattaya News |
IIPT Achievement Awards were given to Mr. Chung Ju Yung (1915 – 2001),
Founder, Hyundai Business Group for his pioneering efforts in
harnessing tourism to open doors to North Korea; Peace Trees Vietnam,
for working alongside the Vietnamese people to transform the
destructive consequences of war into a safe and healthy environment
for the children of Quang Tri Province by removing land mines and
replacing them with trees; and to ‘Just a Drop for providing clean
water to children and their families in least developed counties and
to the survivors of the Asian tsunami. |

Jeffrey, Founder and Board Chairman, ‘Just a Drop’ receives the ‘Just
a Drop’ Award.
Photo © Pattaya News
The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) was
formed in 1986 in response to global issues of the 1980’s – the
growing tensions between east and west; a deteriorating environment;
the increasing gap of have and have not regions of the world; and the
growth of terrorism, much of it – as today, aimed at the travel and
tourism industry. |

McAuliff, Executive Director, Fund for Reconciliation and Vietnamese
Student delegate receive award on behalf of Peace Trees Vietnam.
Photo © Pattaya News |
IIPT’s main goal in organizing its 1st
Global Conference on Peace through Tourism in Vancouver in 1988 was to
create a greater awareness of the potential for tourism to be a vital
force for peace: peace with our neighbors in the global village, peace
with nature, and peace with future generations through sustainable
tourism development. For 20 years – IIPT has
been promoting this ‘higher purpose’ of tourism. It became clear just
three weeks prior to the Summit that this ‘higher purpose’ has now gained
broad acceptance at the highest levels. |
On September 13th
– at the United Nations in New York, UNICEF, ICAO, NEPAD, UNDP, AND
UNCTA, as well as Ministers of Tourism, industry leaders , and
Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) joined with the World Tourism
Organization in recognizing the key role tourism can play in the
overall achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, and the
capacity for tourism to generate economic, environmental, and social
benefits, as well as inter-cultural understanding and peace among
Delegates at the 3rd
Global Summit accepted the challenge to harness the broad acceptance
of this higher purpose, and to now move forward with concrete actions
and initiatives; and to build strategic partnering relationships to
implement these initiatives.
The specific actions
and initiatives are set out in a “21st Century Agenda for
Peace through Tourism.” Central to the 21st
Century Agenda for Peace through Tourism is achieving the vision set out
by IIPT in 1986 – that travel and tourism, the world’s largest industry,
become recognized as the world’s first “Global Peace Industry” – an
industry that promotes and supports the belief that every traveler is
potentially an Ambassador for Peace.
The Agenda has set 2010 for
the achievement of this goal – as a legacy of the U.N. Decade of Peace and
Non-Violence for the Children of the World – which will come to an end in

Malhotra, Publisher, Pattaya Mail and IIPT Board of Directors Chairman
Tim Marshall at IIPT Peace Park dedication
Photo © Pattaya News |
also set as a goal 2,010 Peace Parks circling the earth by 2010 as
part of IIPT’s Global Peace Parks Program launched from Bethany Beyond
the Jordan, site of Christ’s baptism, as a legacy of the 1st
Global Summit on Peace through Tourism.
The IIPT Global Peace Parks Program was
launched on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of
the 11th month, of the first year of the new Millennium.
This is the hour when the Treaty of Versailles was signed ending World
War I – the ‘war to end all wars.’ |

Participants in the IIPT Peace Park dedication
Photo © Pattaya
initiatives include the launch of a World Peace Passport and a Global
Youth Outreach Internship Program. IIPT and the Africa Travel Association
also committed to support the Government of Bermuda in the implementation
of the Africa Diaspora Heritage Trail.
The 3rd Global
Summit on Peace through Tourism was organized by the International
Institute for Peace through Tourism with the support of the Thailand
Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB).
Sponsors included RCI, Reed
Travel Exhibitions, Jordan Tourism Board, Jordanian Airlines, Africa
Travel Association, the Republic of Uganda, and the Ministry of Tourism,
Environment and Natural Resources, Republic of Zambia.

Royal Jordanian Airlines |

The Republic of Uganda |

The Republic of Zambia |
Media Sponsors
IIPT is proud to have eTurboNews, World Tourism
Directory, Travel World
News, Africa Travel
Magazine, Travel Weekly,
Pattaya Mail, Tourism & Wildlife and Travel Talk Radio
as Media Sponsors of the Summit.
The Summit was in support
of the U.N. Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World
and the U.N. Millennium Development Goals.
Special Earthquake
is making a special appeal to assist in providing support to Fr. Akram
Javid, President, IIPT Pakistan Chapter in his efforts to help earthquake
victims. Fr. Javid and members of the IIPT Chapter are taking food,
clothes, medicines and money for the affected people, representing both
his parish and IIPT.
the immediate need is for warm clothing, tents etc – shipping these items
and getting them to customs is problematic. Sending funds by check to Fr.
Javid will take a month to process before he sees the funds.
IIPT is setting up a
special account to receive donations.
Please send your checks payable to: IIPT – Earthquake
We will deposit all
funds received into this special account and then transmit directly the
full amount to Fr. Javid by wire transfer. We will ask Fr. Javid when time
permits to report on how the funds were used.
behalf of Fr. Javid, I thank you for your generosity.
Following are the
key portions of an email message received from Fr. Javid on 18 October.
Louis D’Amore
IIPT Founder and President
Dear Lou and all
IIPT Friends,
from Pakistan.
you know there was terrible earthquake in Pakistan on 8th
There are
hundreds of villages and small towns in the vast mountainous area that has
been affected by the earthquake. Although the roads to the main towns have
been cleared, the remote villages can only be reached by Helicopters. This
can only be done by the Pakistan Army, UN and other big organizations.
Every 5 or 10 minutes a helicopter is arriving in Islamabad with injured
There are
many many people still under these fallen buildings.
the winter season begins to set in in the mountains, the immediate need is
for tents, blankets and wam cothing. Many people are sleeping out in the
open despite the cold of autumn nights for fear of after Shocks. Tents are
items not easily available in the market .
We are
joining our Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the country to reach
out to those in distress and in need. We have to reach out in love and
have assembled a team of volunteers from my parish to go to some of the
remote areas to distribute food, clothing and shelter.
Many people
all over the world are sending help for earthquake victims. I also request
all of you to offer your help for these affected people.
prayers, condolences and help from so many organizations and individual
friends is very much appreciated and a great support for us. God bless you
Prayers and Peace,
Yours truly,
Father Akram Javid
About IIPT
The International Institute for
Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to
fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international
understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the
preservation of heritage, and poverty reduction; and through these
initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.
It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and
tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief
that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.”
For more information:
IIPT Website:
Direct Line: (802) 253-8671
Tel: (802) 253-2658
Fax: (802) 253-2645
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