January 2004 Newsletter
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The Second African Peace Through
Tourism Conference, hosted by Hon. Zakia
Hamdani Meghji, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism,
United Republic of Tanzania., was recently opened in Dar es Salaam, the
country's capital and largest city, by Hon. Frederick T. Sumaye (MP),
Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania. Dignitaries at the
opening included [l. to r]: the Hon. S. Odunga, Permanent Secretary of
the Ministry of Natural Resources & Tourism; the Hon. Valli Moosa,
Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa; Hon.
Frederick T. Sumaye (MP), Prime Minister of Tanzania.; the Hon.
Mohammed Aboud Mohammed, Minister of Trade, Industry, Marketing and
Tourism, Zanzibar; Dr. Dawid DeVilliers, Deputy Secretary-General,
World Tourism Organization; and Louis D'Amore, president and founder
of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism.
Photo Credit: Robert Eilets
2nd IIPT African Conference on Peace and Poverty Reduction through
Tourism was again a great success with more than 350 participants from
25 countries; a stimulating and inspiring program; spirited
participation of delegates; daily media coverage, and an excellent
outcome in the form of the “Tanzania Action Plan.”
The Conference, opened by Hon. Frederick T. Sumaye, Prime Minister,
United Republic of Tanzania, and hosted by the Hon. Zakia
Hamdani Meghji, Ministry of
Natural Resources and Tourism, United Republic of Tanzania, was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,
December 7-12, 2003. Theme of the Conference was “Community Tourism –
Gateway to Poverty Reduction.”
The Conference was organized by the International Institute for Peace
through Tourism (IIPT) in partnership with the Africa Travel Association
(ATA), and Corporate Council on Africa (CCA).
The aims of the conference were two fold: to mobilize travel and tourism
– the world’s largest industry – as a leading force for poverty
reduction in Africa; and secondly, to develop partnerships,
implementation strategies and action initiatives that contribute to
sustainable community development, peace and poverty reduction.
A highlight of the Conference was a plenary session on “The Impact of
Travel Advisories on Developing Countries” with Ambassadors from 10
countries participating on the panel and some 15 other Ambassadors from
Dar es Salaam’s diplomatic community in the audience. The Conference
also showcased case studies of “Success Stories” and models of “Best
The Tanzania Action Plan is the product of the collective input and
wisdom of all Conference delegates and suggestions made during both
plenary and concurrent sessions. It builds on the foundations of the
(draft) IIPT African Agenda for Peace and Poverty Reduction through
Tourism that was the outcome of the 1st IIPT African Conference in
Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa in March 2002.
Highlights of the “Tanzania Action Plan” include: proposing a U.N.
International Year of Peace through Tourism to the United Nations;
collaborating with the 758 Rotary Clubs of Africa as partners in
creating a “Culture of Peace” in Africa and throughout the World – and
to “Lend a Hand” in the human, educational, social, cultural, and
economic development of African communities; dedication of an 800 acre
IIPT International Peace Park in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, a proposed World
Heritage Site, in partnership with the International Cultural Center of
Tanzania; and to bring together Ministers from Sub-Saharan African
nations that have experienced conflict for a “Symposium on Healing the
Wounds of Conflict through Tourism” in partnership with the Mwalimu
Nyerere Foundation.
Other highlights of the The Action Plan include the development of an
African Educators Network as part of IIPT’s Global Educator’s Network;
establishing an African Youth Leadership network as part of the IIPT
Global Youth Network; strengthening community participation in
development of national tourism strategies, policies, and marketing
plans; and maximizing the use of information and communication
technology as a collaborative tool for sharing knowledge, experience and
information on sustainable tourism development, poverty reduction and
International Institute for Peace through Tourism
Fox Hill 13 Cottage Club Road Stowe, Vermont, 05672 USA
Telephone: +1-802-253-2658
Fax: +1-802-253-2645
We the more than 350 delegates from 25 nations,
participants in the 2nd IIPT African Conference on Peace through
Tourism, assembled at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,
December 7-12, 2003 on the Conference theme:
Community Tourism – Gateway to Poverty Reduction
recognizing that travel and tourism is the world’s largest industry with
global revenues approaching US 4.0 trillion dollars; accounting for
approximately 10% of World GNP, and investments, one in every 12 jobs,
and 8% in world trade in goods and services;
that growth in travel to Africa in the past decade has exceeded the
world average growth rate in tourism; and that the World Tourism
Organization (WTO) has forecasted continuing growth in the tourism
sector to the year 2020;
that the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has forecasted tourism
will be a significant driver of the African economy accounting for 11%
of GDP
that for many Least Developed Countries (LDC’s), tourism is the major,
or one of the major contributors to GNP, investment, employment and
foreign exchange; and
that tourism is a global vehicle for promoting understanding, trust and
goodwill among peoples of the world;
Confirm that global tourism can be a vital force for peace, poverty
reduction and the realization of the Millennium Goals of the United
Nations, and therefore commit to the following
Global Awareness
• The International Institute for Peace through Tourism recommend to the
United Nations, in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization,
World Travel & Tourism Council, Africa Travel Association, other
regional bodies such as the Pacific Asia Travel Association, European
Travel Commission, Caribbean Travel Organization, American Tourism
Society; and other international tourism associations, the establishment
of a “U.N. International Year for Peace through Tourism.”
• To culminate this year with a Global Conference on Peace through
Tourism, commemorating the national and international achievements and
to develop future agendas to foster a “Culture of Peace through
• Develop and nurture media relationships at the local, national and
international level for the on-going dissemination of positive news
regarding developments in “Building a Culture of Peace,” community
tourism successes, and accomplishments in poverty reduction.
• IIPT and ATA to develop a data base of “success stories” and models of
“best practice” on community tourism, with collaboration of each nation
of Africa, for use with the media and access by all African communities
interested in developing community tourism.
• In partnership with the International Cultural Center of Tanzania,
dedicate an 800 acre IIPT International Peace Park in Bagamoyo, proposed
World Heritage Site, as part of IIPT’s Global Peace Parks Project.
Sustainable Tourism Development
• Encourage all nations of Africa to develop sustainable tourism
strategies, policies and master plans and that these plans extend to the
community level through community participation in their development.
That these plans are integrated with appropriate priorities within each
nation’s overall plan for sustainable development and poverty reduction
to ensure appropriate funding and support of donor agencies.
• Encourage regional collaboration in natural resource and environmental
planning consistent with regional ecological systems; the development of
transnational Peace Parks; and collaboration in regional marketing.
• Encourage the integration of tourism planning into the overall
priorities for development on the African Continent within programs such
as NEPAD and U.N. Agencies.
Tourism Contribution to Community Empowerment, Development and
Poverty Reduction
• Collaborate with the 758 Rotary Clubs of Africa as partners in
creating a “Culture of Peace” in Africa and throughout the World – and
to “Lend a Hand” in the human, educational, social, cultural, and
economic development of African communities.
• Encourage collaboration among governments, NGO’s, educational
institutions and donor agencies to provide capacity building at the
community level.
• Identify and implement methods of effective and efficient
microfinancing and appropriate incentives to stimulate microenterprise
development at the community level.
• Ensure that communities are linked to, and supported by national
marketing plans.
Information Technology and Communication
Maximize the use of information and communication technology as a
collaborative tool for sharing knowledge, experience and information on
sustainable tourism development, poverty reduction and peace to include:
• Open source online library for education and training similar to “MIT
Open Course Ware)
• Community based news portal on Africa.
• Multimedia case studies on “Success Stories” and models of “Best
Practice” in Community Tourism
• Web-based Africa-wide routes and trails to include the “Freedom
Trail,” Nilotic Route, Africa Diaspora Heritage Trail, and ancient
sea-faring routes.
• Web-based database on Africa’s crafts, textiles etc to promote tourism
to areas highlighted and to educate travelers and buyers on the origins
of African arts and crafts.
Healing the Wounds of Conflict
• IIPT in partnership with the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation to bring
together Ministers from Sub-Saharan African nations that have
experienced conflict for a “Symposium
on Healing the Wounds of Conflict through Tourism.”
• Recognition of the importance of play and sports in promoting values
of tolerance, and empathy in the development of children and youth and
encourage support from government, private sector, NGO’s and donor
agencies in providing enabling environments, facilities and
• Develop an African Educators Network as part of the IIPT Global
Educators Network, to share knowledge, experience and ideas for future
curricula development and educational initiatives that contribute to the
role of tourism sustainable development, reducing poverty and building a
Culture of Peace.
Youth Agenda
• Establish an African Youth Leadership network as part of the IIPT
Global Youth Network with the intent of forming partnerships and
exchanges to continue the efforts begun in Tanzania.
Community Tourism Network
• To link NGO’s and socially, culturally, and environmentally
responsible tourism enterprises working with communities through IIPT’s
Global Community Tourism Network and
Tourism Philanthropy and Volunteerism
“Life finds meaning in service to others”
• To encourage community based tourism enterprises from developed
countries to establish foundations to receive tax deductible
contributions for use in assisting communities of Least Developed
Countries to achieve human, social, educational and economic
• To facilitate opportunities for persons wishing to volunteer on
various humanitarian projects in areas such as education, health, social
services, housing and culture, as well as the environment.
and acknowledge with sincere appreciation the generous collaboration and
support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, United
Republic of Tanzania as hosts of the Conference and the hospitality of
the government and people of the United Republic of Tanzania, a land of
peace, love and freedom;
commend the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) for
giving scope to the vision of peace through tourism and for its untiring
efforts toward that end in Africa and globally, and IIPT’s partners the
Africa Travel Association and Corporate Council on Africa;
thank our sponsors, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism,
Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), RCI, Reed Travel
Exhibitions, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), American Express,
Ngorongoro Conservation Authority, Northstar Media, eTurbo News, and the
U.S. Embassy and other sponsors and contributors, for generous
contributions that made this Conference possible and advancing the cause
of Peace through Tourism;
and welcome the United Nations declaration of this first decade of the
21st Century as the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and
Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010) which this
conference has been organized to support.
Adopted at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 12 December, 2003
May Peace prevail on Earth ! |