Interest in
membership in the IIPT Coalition of Partners continues to grow as
news of the Second Global Summit is disseminated. Coalition members
will meet at the UN Conference Center, Geneva on February 5th.
Coalition members will report progress on their respective
"Millennium Projects." ljd@iipt.org.
New areas for cooperation and achieving synergies in "Building a
Culture of Peace through Tourism" will be explored. Particular
emphasis will be on collaborating towards the Summit aim of making
"travel and tourism a leading force for poverty reduction" and
achieving synergies towards this goal. Representatives of all
international organizations who will be at the Summit as delegates
are welcome to participate in the meeting.
International organizations interested in becoming members of the
Summit are invited to contact Louis D'Amore
Spirituality Network will also meet at the UN Conference Center on
February 5th. Programs for these meetings are currently being
developed. We particularly welcome three noteworthy initiatives from
IIPT Turkey. The first initiative is the planning for development of
a Global Peace Village that will be used for international youth
programs. Secondly, plans are underway for the dedication of an IIPT
Peace Park honoring the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder and
first President of the Turkish Republic. President Atatürk is
remembered and honored internationally as a peacemaker with a vision
of a united humanity. The third initiative involves plans for an
ANZAC Peace Concert next April, in collaboration with the IIPT
Australian Chapter. For more information on IIPT Turkey initiatives,
please contact Corinne Parry info@thelycianway.com.
Contact Louis D'Amore
Partner committed to a Millennium Project that contributes to
the vision of "Tourism as a Global Peace
IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler
Grateful for the
opportunity to travel and experience the world, and because
peace begins with the individual, I affirm my personal
responsibility and commitment to: Journey with an open
mind and gentle heart Accept with grace and gratitude the
diversity I encounter Revere and protect the natural
environment which sustains all life Appreciate all
cultures I discover Respect and thank my host for their
welcome Offer my hand in friendship to everyone I meet
Support travel services that share these views, and act
upon them and, By my spirit, words and actions, encourage
others to travel the world in peace. |
production and distribution compliments of the
Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) click |
Significant progress is being made towards organization of
the Second Global Summit on Peace through Tourism being held
at the UN Conference Center, Geneva, February 5-8, 2003. The
Summit, in support of the UN Decade of Peace and Non-Violence
for the Children of the World, is being organized by the
International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) in
partnership with the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).
The aim of the Summit is to continue building a "Culture of
Peace through Tourism" with a particular focus on the "Role of
Travel and Tourism in Poverty Reduction." Keynote speakers
will include Nobel Peace Prize winners, international travel
and tourism industry statesmen, and world leaders in the areas
of culture and heritage, economic development, and
environment. A "Government - Industry - Donor - NGO
Roundtable, with leaders from each of these sectors will focus
on a beginning strategy for the role of travel and tourism in
poverty reduction.
Concurrent sessions will be held on Marketing of
Destinations in Developing and Emerging Economies; Strategies
for Micro-Enterprise Development; Educating and Capacity
Building for Poverty Reduction through Tourism;
Community-Based Tourism in Developing and Emerging Economies;
The Role of Sport in Peace and Development; Healing the Wounds
of Conflict and Post Conflict Development; Linkages of the
Arts, Culture and Tourism in Development; Tourism for
Travelers with Special Needs; and other related topics. The
Second Global Summit on Peace through Tourism will be in the
spirit of the historic 1985 Geneva Summit, following which
President Reagan and Secretary Gorbachev. stated, "There
should be a greater understanding among our peoples and to
this end we will encourage greater travel." As the First
Global Summit in Amman honored the legacy of Peace of HM King
Hussein, the Second Global Summit will honor the legacy of Dag
Hammarskjold, second UN Secretary General of the United
Nations and Nobel Peace Laureate, as a Man of Peace. We are
honored to again have Hon. Akel Biltaji of Jordan as Master of
Ceremony of the Geneva Summit as a symbolic link of these two
milestone events for Tourism and for Peace. The Geneva Summit
builds on the foundations of three global conferences
(Vancouver, 1988, Montreal, 1994, Glasgow, 1999); the First
Global Summit held in Amman, Jordan - November 8-11, 2000; and
most recently, the First IIPT African Conference on Peace
through Tourism (Nelspruit, South Africa, 2002) We look
forward to your participation with us as we plan the
contribution that the world's largest industry can make as a
leading force for poverty reduction. Sincerely, Louis D'Amore
Founder and President
A Summit Website is currently under construction by
Conventus of Switzerland, who have been selected as the
Conference Management Company (PCO) for the Summit. The
website will be operational by August 15 to handle
registrations as well as hotel reservations on line. Official
Hotel for the Summit is the Inter- Continental Geneva, a ten
minute walk from the UN Conference Center. Other hotels within
walking distance are also available.
Registration fees have been set at US$ 590 for delegates
from developed countries; US$ 290, for delegates from
developing countries; and US$ 150 for students. Significant
savings are available for Early Bird registrations prior to
October 31, and for members of IIPT Coalition Partners,
Networks, and Chapters. Our permanent website: www.iipt.org,
will have a direct link to the above website set up for
Registration purposes by August 22nd.
Summit website www.iipt2003.ch
IIPT has
established a working partnership with Universitas, a new
initiative of the International Labor Organization (ILO)
funded by the Italian government. Universitas is developing a
broad-based program with leading universities, UN agencies,
and donor organizations, to create innovative solutions aimed
at socio-economic development and job creation. . .
Programs are currently being developed in various countries
of Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. The IIPT -
Universitas partnership will focus on collaboration in
educational initiatives relating to tourism, and will also
include collaboration with the recently formed UN Task Force
on Sport for Development and Peace. The IIPT - Universitas
partnership is a major step forward towards the aim of making
tourism a leading force for poverty reduction - and linking
with sport for peace and development.
Geneva is the seat of 19 Inter-governmental
organizations (of which 9 are part of the UN system) as well
as approximately 170 NGOs. Accordingly, two "Summit
Preparatory Workshops" are scheduled for Geneva with a view to
developing relevant 'input' from a range of perspectives; and
additional partnering relationships towards a shared vision of
poverty reduction. Workshop dates are set for Wed. September
25, and Friday, September 27. Representatives of International
organizations in Geneva interested in participating are
invited to contact IIPT Summit@iipt.org. Iain Chistie is again
collaborating with us in organizing a joint IIPT-World Bank
Preparatory Workshop to be held in Washington, D.C. on
Tuesday, October 15.
YOUR ASSISTANCE REQUESTED Your assistance in helping us to
promote the Second Global Summit among your colleagues and
through your various networks would be greatly appreciated. We
are seeking to reach all sectors of the travel and tourism
industry, public, private, not for profit and educational, as
well as related sectors including the arts, culture and
heritage, environment, economic development, sports, and
groups promoting inter-faith dialogue.
Visit the IIPT website
educators (and others having educational interests) are
welcome to the full-day Educators Forum at the UN Conference
Center, 5 February. Dr. Dan McDonald, Coordinator of the IIPT
Educators Network, is organizing the Forum. A most interesting
program is shaping up which will include panel sessions in the
morning and a series of workshops in the afternoon that will
serve to set the Agenda for the IIPT Educators Network for the
next 2 to 3 years. Leading off the afternoon will be Dr.
Donald Hawkins with a workshop on the George Washington
University - IIPT collaborative "Global Data Base Project."
The project will develop a global data base of the
approximately 400 Donor Funded Tourism Projects in Developing
countries. The data base will be used to prepare a Portfolio
of Guidelines for future tourism development projects. Dr.
Karen Smith will follow with a workshop on the launch and
development of the IIPT Student Ambassador Program, that she
is coordinating. The Program will serve to involve students in
international initiatives to foster peace on a global scale.
The first phase of the Program will link students with online
assignments and discussion boards. Dr. Hawkins and Dr. Smith
will each invite involvement in their respective projects.
Giovanni di Cola, Universitas Programme Coordinator will
lead a workshop on the IIPT-Universitas Partnership (please
see above) with a view to the further identification, design
and implementation of partnering initiatives that contribute
to socio-economic development and job creation in developing
countries. The involvement of interested persons will also be
invited. A final workshop will identify other
ideas/initiatives for development and educators interested in
taking a leadership role in their implementation. Educators
interested in presenting a paper during the Educators Forum
are invited to contact Dr. Dan McDonald directly with your
proposed topic and brief summary .
International travel and tourism organizations are
invited to hold their Board meetings in connection with the
Summit. Rooms for this purpose will be made available at the
UN Conference Center on February 5th, a day that is dedicated
to meetings of IIPT Networks, Chapters and Coalition of
Partners. The Welcoming Reception will be held that evening.
Please contact IIPT to make arrangements: summit@iipt.org.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FORUM Students from colleges and
universities around the world will gather again for a full day
International Student Forum at the UN Conference Center, 5
February. An IIPT Student Chapter "Dream Team" has been
organized to develop the one-day program. The Forum will
provide an opportunity to share ideas and ideals, and to
develop specific projects for student involvement and
implementation. Students will also have the opportunity to
participate and contribute to the full Summit proceedings.
Students doing research and writing papers, theses, or
dissertations on any aspect of "Peace through Tourism" are
particularly encouraged to take part in the Forum and Summit.
Dr. Catherine DeLeo is mentor of the Student Chapter
number of young professionals, and emerging young leaders in
the travel and tourism industry - and particularly, former
students who participated in IIPT Global Conferences beginning
with Vancouver in 1988, we have decided to launch an IIPT
Young Professionals Network. This will provide an opportunity
for emerging leaders of the industry to network and apply
their leadership skills towards shared interests and
objectives in the "Building a Culture of Peace through
Tourism." Acting Coordinator for the Network is Redgie Blanco
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