January 2018

Community Tourism Banner

IIPT Declares 2018

International Year of Community Tourism and Peace


IIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore has declared 2018 the

 IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace

in collaboraton wth Countrystyle/Villages as Businesses. In 1994, IIPT branded JAMAICA as “The home of Community Tourism” in recognition of the pioneering efforts of Diana McIntyre-Pike, President/Founder of the Countrystyle Community Tourism Network and her late business partner Desmond Henry from Treasure Beach who together launched community tourism in 1978

Diana McIntyre Pike
Diana McIntyre-Pike
Desmond Henry
Desmond Henry

The Caribbean Region was invited to join as partners in the HOME OF COMMUNITY TOURISM in 2013 on the recommendation of the IIPT Caribbean chapter.

The IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace began the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Community Tourism internationally with Countrystyle/Villages as Businesses beginning in Jamaica with a GOSPEL CONCERT on January 1 in Apple Valley Park, Maggotty, St Elizabeth. This will be followed by the 15th Annual Resource UNIA-ACL Marcus Garvey Fair in Cross Keys Manchester on Feb 25. 

      Gospel Singers
Gospel Concert organizer Mrs.Lucille Lee (center) together with Lester Lewis (right) and his Assistant who was the main Gospel Singer

The IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace will build towards the first Villages as Businesses Conference and Trade Show, in December 2018. This first of its kind event will be hosted by IIPT Caribbean in partnership with the IIPT International Community Tourism Network, UWI Open Campus and other local and international organizations.

Lou D'Amore and Diana McIntyreThe IIPT International Community Tourism Network will be coordinating the 2018 celebrations and will be encouraging communities worldwide to create and develop sustainable development projects and events for peace through tourism in their countries to celebrate the IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace in collaboration with the IIPT International Community Tourism Network and the Countrystyle/Villages as Businesses programme.

A Community Tourism Projects & Events Distribution Channel has been developed to serve as a  clearing house for international community tourism projects and events for 2018. The goal is to create a distribution portal - a ‘One Voice’ approach - for marketing community tourism internationally and showcasing its local and global impact. Countries around the world will be able to share their upcoming community events and learn about projects in which they can participate. The approach also aims to encourage support from funding agencies, non-government organizations, international organizations, potential investors and Diasporas.

Access to the Community Tourism Projects & Events Distribution Channel will provide information for visitors who desire to support community projects, such as Pick a Project or Adopt a Village, while on vacation. The Projects and Events Distribution Channel will be linked to www.AccessCommunityTourism.

The website can be accessed at: https://www.accesscommunitytourism.com/

For more information, please contact:

IIPT International Community Tourism Network Secretariat Tel: 876-507-6326 | Mandeville, Jamaica |Email:iiptcaribbean@yahoo.com 


 IIPT Community Tourism                           

Danzhai banner

Danzhai Wanda Village Dedicated as

IIPT Global Town of Peace


Haybina HaoDanzhai Wanda Village, Guizhou, China was dedicated in December as an IIPT Global Town of Peace. Orchestrating the ceremony was Ms. Haybina Hao,Honorary Mayor of the Village for the week. Haybina set for herself a goal to create greater international awareness of Danzhai Wanda Village as an international tourism destination and its impressive contribution to poverty reduction.


Haybina is formerly Vice President, International Development, U. S. Tour Association. In this capacity, she played an instrumental role in increasing tourism from China to the United States and assisted in establishing a tour operator’s reception system for inbound Chinese tourists. She is recognized as a China tourism expert in both the U.S. and China.


Haybina’s week as Honorary Mayor was focused on achieving “A Dialogue between Danzhai and the World.” The December event featured greeting videos and letters sent from 11 international destinations and tourism organizations congratulating Danzhai Wanda Village for its success in attracting some 3 million visitors in less than 6 months since its opening this past July. 

 Lou D'Amore receiving gift

                    IIPT President receiving gift from Danzai Country Official         


The ceremony also featured the dedication of Danzhai Wanda as an “IIPT Global Town of Peace” during which IIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore stated: “The founders and administrators of Danzhai Wanda are to be congratulated on their impressive award winning achievements in such a short period of time.”


Lou at IIPT Peace Park

 Danzhai Wanda General Manager and IIPT President by Global Peace Park commemorative stone

He continued:As 2017 is the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and Peace, of particular significance is Danzhai Wanda’s contribution to  UN Sustainable Development Goals one and four: to reduce poverty and provide for quality education. As a result of your efforts, 40,000 lives have been enhanced, raising each of them above the poverty line. And with the dedication today of Danzhai Wanda as an IIPT Global Town of Peace – your contribution to UN Sustainable Development goal sixteen – to nurture peace and mutual understanding.”


 IIPT Peace Town


Located in the southwestern province of Guizhou, Danzhai County is one of the most undeveloped areas in China. Although endowed with spectacular natural scenery and an incredible diversity of ethnic cultures, Danzhai is a largely unexplored destination for tourists due to its previous inaccessibility.


Danzhai Wanda Village is one part of a three-pronged poverty alleviation scheme by the Wanda Group that also includes a poverty alleviation fund and Guizhou Wanda Vocational College with an enrollment of 400 students. Wanda will hire 50% of the graduates from the vocational school. Danzhai Wanda Village, which includes a hotel and town district built in the distinctive Miao architectural tradition, is expected to provide up to 3,000 jobs.


Danzhai Wanda WillageDanzhai Wanda Village

Ms. Hao’s mayorship also resulted in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a sister district relationship between Danzhai Wanda Village and Deadwood National Historic Landmark District in South Dakota, United States. The MOU marked the first sister district relationship in China to focus on tourism-related connections with international destinations.


Watch two minute video: https://www.facebook.com/danzhai.wanda/videos/1797653910258533/

2018 IIPT Global Summit


New Dates for UNWTO – IIPT Global Summit Announced at

UNWTO – Gov’t of Jamaica – World Bank Conference


Louis D'AmoreIIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore used the occasion of the UNWTO  Conference in Jamaica in November to announce the new dates for the

Global Summit: Sustainable Tourism for
Development and Peace

being co-organized by the UN World Tourism Organization and the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT). The Summit will now be held 27-30 August, 2018. The Summit will continue to be held in Montreal, Canada as originally  planned.      


IIPT Vancouver SummitThe UNWTO – IIPT Global Summit will commemorate IIPT’s 30th anniversary year since its First Global Conference: Tourism a Vital Force for Peace, Vancouver 1988 which brought together 800 delegates from 68 countries.  The IIPT Vancouver Conference is noteworthy for introducing the concept of Sustainable Tourism and is acknowledged as being the launch of the ‘Peace through Tourism’ movement.


At a time when most tourism was ‘mass tourism’ – the Vancouver conference introduced a new “Higher Purpose of Tourism” paradigm that gives emphasis to the role of tourism in promoting mutual understanding, collaboration among nations, cultural and environmental enhancement, poverty reduction, reconciliation and healing wounds of conflict.

Originally planned to be held in September 2017 as an official conference of the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and Peace – the Global Summit will maintain its original theme while also giving a new emphasis as 2018 is the

China – Canada Year of Tourism, and China – Europe Year of Tourism

China and Canada

China and Europe

Accordingly, emphasis will be given to encouraging strong delegations from China, Canada and Europe. The China Chamber of Tourism has expressed support for the Global Summit with the intent of mobilizing a delegation of Chinese tourism industry executives to take part in the Summit. Mr. Peter Wong, Executive Chairman, and Ms. Wang Ping, President, China Chamber of Tourism are collaborating with IIPT towards this end.


Peter Wong
Wang Ping

IIPT is currently developing support from key organizations in Canada and Europe with the aim of encouraging strong delegations. As well, having participated in the UNWTO – Jamaica – World Bank Conference in Jamaica in November, IIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore met with Hon. Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Jamaica and Host of the Conference, and Mr. Hugh Riley, Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), to invite participation in the Montreal Summit by a strong Caribbean delegation. 

Minister Bartlett
Hon. Edmund Bartlett
Hugh Riley
Hugh Riley

IIPT is proud to be returning to Montreal, where IIPT was born in 1986, the UN International Year of Peace, with a vision of travel and tourism becoming the world’s first “Global Peace Industry” and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.”


Montreal was also host to the IIPT 1994 Global Conference:

Building a Sustainable World through Tourism

the world’s first major international conference on sustainable tourism featuring the presentation of ‘success stories’ and models of ‘best practice’ related to sustainable tourism.


Save the dates and join with the “IIPT Global Family” in celebrating IIPT’s 30th Anniversary year. Your suggestions to help make this the best IIPT Global Summit since the 1988 Vancouver Conference are invited. Please email: ljd@iipt.org.



Dr. Taleb Rifai Recipient of IIPT Lifetime Achievement Award

7 other Industry Leaders Honored as IIPT Ambassadors of Peace


The International Institute for Peace through Tourism honored 7 outstanding people from the world of travel & tourism as “Global Ambassadors of Peace through Tourism” at World Travel Market (WTM). Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of UNWTO, was conferred with the IIPT lifetime achievement award as a “Global Man of Peace.” Theme of the awards event was “Tourism – A Catalyst for Peace”, featuring Dr. Rifai as the Keynote Speaker and Anita Mendiratta the Master of Ceremony.

Supported by “Incredible India” and the UNWTO, this first edition of the Awards was sponsored by Cox & Kings and TravelBiz Monitor the Media partner for the awards.


Cox & Kings Incredible India



Dr. Taleb RifaiIn his Keynote address, Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of UNWTO said that for the 7th consecutive year, the growth in tourism had exceeded growth in other sectors. However, he said, tourism is far more than numbers and statistics; to travel is a basic human right. Quoting Mark Twain he said “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness…” The 1.8 billion tourists expected to travel the world by 2030 could be 1.8 billion opportunities, or 1.8 billion disasters – the choice, he said, is ours. There is no conflict between growth and sustainability, he said, because sustainability is beyond “Going Green” it’s about sustaining life on Earth. “As I come to the end of my journey as Secretary General,” he said “the thought I would like to leave with is ‘Whatever you do, do it to make the world a better place.’”


Louis D'AmoreD’Amore, Founder President, IIPT, said, "IIPT is privileged and grateful to pay tribute to Dr. Taleb Rifai for his global leadership these past eight years. We have been most honored to have Dr. Rifai grace the stage at IIPT WTM events as our featured keynote speaker over the past several years – and to have his unwavering support for IIPT initiatives in our mission to make the travel and tourism industry – the world’s first global peace industry. We look forward to a continuing relationship with him in the years ahead as we join hands in efforts to promote the transformative role of tourism in “making the world a better place.’”


Ajay PrakashAjay Prakash President, IIPT India, said, “As the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development draws to a close, it’s important to accept that the work is far from complete and that we need to carry the impetus forward into the years ahead. While it’s axiomatic that peace is vital to the promotion of tourism, it is important to reiterate that tourism can be a vital force for the propagation of peace and this can happen only if the concept of Peace through Tourism forms part of the core business philosophy of the tourism industry.” Commenting on the rationale of the Awards, Prakash continued, “Because tourism is so people centric it is important to recognize and honor exceptional persons in the field who can serve as role models and inspire others to carry the baton.”


Peter KerkarCommenting on the awards, Peter Kerkar, Group CEO, Cox & Kings, says, “Cox & Kings is extremely proud to be sponsoring the ‘Global Ambassadors of Peace Through Tourism’ Awards and honoring those individuals who have devoted time and energy to promoting goodwill through travel. It is vital that we encourage peaceful cultural exchange and recognise those who have used tourism to facilitate philanthropic activities. These ideals are no better represented than by the IIPT and our ‘Global Man of Peace,’ Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the UNWTO.”


Each one of the chosen Ambassadors has had an illustrious and successful career in tourism and each, through their lives and work, embodies the founding principles of IIPT. Louis D’Amore, Founder President of IIPT recounted the long association that each one of the Award winners had had with IIPT. Each of the Ambassadors was an exceptional person, he affirmed, and IIPT was proud to honour them. Going forward, he said, the IIPT Global Peace Parks project, the association with Flanders to mark the Centenary of the end of the 1st World War under the banner “No More War” and the “Travel for Peace” campaign would be the focus of IIPT in its 30th Anniversary year leading up to the UNWTO - IIPT Global Summit in Montreal, August 2018.



IIPT Ambassador
HRH Princess Dana Firas of Jordan – Chairperson of the Petra National Trust &UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador
IIPT Ambassador
David Scowsill – CEO EON Reality & Immed. Past President & CEO, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)


IIPT Ambassador
Dr. Mario Hardy – President and CEO, Pacific Asia Travel Association, PATA
IIPT Ambassador
Fiona Jeffery OBE– Director, Just a Drop Foundation

Helen Marano, Director Government & Industry Affairs WTTC referred to the recent seminal study by WTTC on Tourism as A Driver of Peace which, based on data collected over 8 years, established the first empirical relationship between tourism and peace correlating the parameters of the Global Peace Index and the Tourism Index.                              


Jay KumarMr. Jay Kumar Rawal, Tourism Minister of Maharashtra commended IIPT on the work it was doing to recognize global icons of Tourism for Peace and Sustainability. He went on to explain the Indian concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which essentially means “The World is One Family” and referred to the recent Government of India initiative to hold a “Paryatan Parv,” a celebration of tourism for 20 days in October to bring people together.


IIPT Ambassador
Costas Christ – CEO, Beyond Green Travel and Senior Advisor for Sustainable Tourism, National Geographic and Virtuoso
IIPT Ambassador
Geoffrey Lipman – Director Green Growth & Travelism Institute & Co-Founder SunX Foundation


IIPT Ambassador
Anita Mendiratta – Managing Director CACHET Consulting, Tourism author & thought leader
IIPT Ambassador
Dr. Taleb Rifai – UNWTO, Secretary General

Founded in 1986 by Louis D’Amore, IIPT is built on two very simple but powerful premises: That tourism, one of the world’s largest industries, can become the world’s first global Peace Industry and support the belief that every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace. Through global summits, conferences, the global Peace Parks initiative, Travel for Peace Campaign consultations with governments and the UNWTO and a regular monthly newsletter, IIPT has worked conscientiously over the last 30 years to make peace an integral part of the tourism ecosphere.


IIPT plans to make the “Ambassadors of Peace Through Tourism” awards an annual feature at WTM London.

         2017 IIPT Peace Ambassadors







Following the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu, China, the IIPT Global Peace Parks Project was launched with the dedication of Pu’er Sun River National Park as an IIPT International Peace Park in collaboration with the China Chamber of Tourism. Dignitaries participating in the ceremony included Madame Wang Ping, Founding Chairman, China Chamber of Tourism (Photo on the left); Mr. Peter Wong Man Kong, Executive Chairman, China Chamber of Tourism; Mr. Yu Jinfang,Co-founder and Developer of Pu’er Sun River National Park; Mrs. May Jinfang, Co-founder and Developer; Mr. Carlos Vogeler, Executive Director, UN World Tourism Organization; Mr. Xu Jing, Regional Director for Asia and Pacific, UN World Tourism Organization; Hon. Gede Ardika, former Minister, Culture and Tourism, Indonesia; Helen Marano, Government and Industry Affairs Director, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC); Louis D’Amore, IIPT Founder and President and various city officials of Pu’er City.


cctChina Chamber of Tourism Chairman, Peter Wong stated: “Pu’er Sun River National Park is the perfect site for the first IIPT International Peace Park in China as it is a national model of the “wild beauty of nature” covering an area of 216 square kilometers with a wide variety of plants and 812 species of wildlife. In is also a model of people in harmony with nature showcasing the local culture of the diverse ethnic people of the region.”


China1Peter WongLouis D'Amore
From left to right: Start of the Peace Park Dedication; China Chamber of Tourism Chairman Peter Wong giving his address followed by address of Louis D'Amore.


In his Peace Park dedication address, IIPT Founder and President Louis D’Amore said: “It is truly an honor to be here with you today as we dedicate this IIPT International Peace Park – the first in China, just a few days before the UN International Day of Peace, September 21 – and in support of UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 which calls for peaceful – inclusive and just societies. As we dedicate this park, we also begin what I am sure will be an important and fruitful relationship between the China Chamber of Tourism and the International Institute for Peace through Tourism; a relationship that will bring more peace parks in China and contribute towards the vision of tourism becoming the world’s first global peace industry – and the belief that every traveler is potentially an ambassador for peace.”


China Peace Park

From Left to Right: Peter Wong; Mr. Yu Jinfang, Co-Founder/Developer Park dedication of Pu’er Sun River National Park; Louis D’Amore and Mrs. May Jinfang, Co-Founder and Developer.

China Tree Planting

The IIPT Peace Park dedication included the planting of Peace Trees.


The Pu’er Sun River National Park focuses on the theme "wild beauty of nature" in combination with the local culture and the harmony of humans with nature. By operating profit-making projects within the Park, it is able to effectively provide sustainable protection for precious and unique natural and cultural resources. The Pu'er Sun River National Park also serves as a Forest Ecological System Science Education Base; Flora and Fauna Rescue Base; and Global Tourist Attraction for visitors to experience nature and the Pu'er Culture.


China Chamber

Members of China Chamber of Tourism following the unveiling of the stone plaque

The IIPT Global Peace Parks project has a goal of 2,000 Peace Parks circling the earth by 11 November 2018 – the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I. The four year commemoration of the World War I Centenary, with its theme of “No More War” – has been supported by IIPT since its launch in 2014.


unitedlogoIIPT is proud to have United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) as a partner in its global campaign. UCLG is the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government with a global network of cities, local and regional governments representing 70% of the world population. UCLG goals include contributing to the achievement of the SDG’s, Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and New Urban Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development.


The Global Peace Parks Project builds on the success of IIPT’s 1992 “Peace Parks across Canada” Project commemorating Canada’s 125th birthday as a nation. IIPT conceived and implemented “Peace Parks across Canada” which resulted in 350 Peace Parks being dedicated by cities and towns from St. John’s, Newfoundland on the shores of the Atlantic, across five time zones to Victoria, British Colombia on the shores of the Pacific.


peacewallThe Peace Parks were all dedicated on October 8, 1992 as a National Peace Keeping Monument was being unveiled in Ottawa and 5,000 Peacekeepers passing in review. Each park was dedicated with a ‘bosco sacro’ – a peace grove of 12 trees, symbolic of Canada’s 10 Provinces and 2 Territories, as a link to one another, and a symbol of hope for the future. Of the more than 25,000 Canada 125 Projects, Peace Parks across Canada was said to be the most significant.




IIPT International Peace Parks have since been dedicated as a legacy of each IIPT International Conferences and Global Summits. Notable IIPT International Peace Parks include Bethany Beyond the Jordan, site of Christ’s baptism as a legacy of the Amman Summit, 2000; Victoria Falls, as a legacy of the IIPT 5th African Conference, 2011, subsequently re-dedicated as the featured event on Opening Day of the UNWTO 20th General Assembly 2013, co-hosted by Zambia and Zimbabwe; and Medellin, Colombia, dedicated on Opening Day of the UNWTO 21st General Assembly. Photo is Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, first President of Zambia and UNWTO Secretary General, Dr. Taleb Rifai, planting the first of six olive trees during the re-dedication of the IIPT International Peace Park, Opening Day of the UNWTO 20th General Assembly.


About China Chamber of Tourism

The China Chamber of Tourism was formed in 2002 to include all sectors of the travel and tourism industry and related industries throughout China. It is based on a concept of “Pan Tourism” with the belief that tourism as a bond could connect and lead industries to develop co-operatively. Its core beliefs are “tourism is peace” and that world tourism calls for world peace; tourism is culture and the improvement of life quality. China Chamber of Tourism has achieved fruitful co-operation with UNWTO, WTTC, PATA – and now IIPT – enhancing the co-operation and exchange of Chinese and tourism enterprises of other nations.

About IIPT
The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding, cooperation among nations, an improved quality of environment, cultural enhancement and the preservation of heritage, poverty reduction, reconciliation and healing wounds of conflicts; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.  It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.”

For more information:
IIPT Website: www.iipt.org
Tel: (315) 507-4059
Email: ljd@iipt.org

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