September 2016



IIPT Again Featured at World Travel Market in Support of UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development


IIPT will again be featured at World Travel Market as it launches its 30th Anniversary Year in support of the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development:


Wednesday 9 November at 15.30 – 16.30

Platinum Suite 1


With 2017 having been declared the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism For Development (, the IIPT session will highlight the progress made in Tourism as a Driver of Peace and Sustainability over the past 30 years – and the vision of industry leaders for further progress in the years ahead.


Featured speakers will be leaders of the travel and tourism industry: Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO); Mr. David Scowsill, President and CEO, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC); Dr. Mario Hardy, CEO, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and Ms. Susanna Saari, Vice President, Skål International. Ms. Anita Mendiratta will serve as Moderator.


Taleb Rifai

Dr. Taleb Rifai

David Scowsill

David Scowsill

Mario Hardy
Dr. Mario Hardy
Susanna Saari
Susanna Saari
Anita Mendiratta

Anita Mendiratta

The concept of sustainable tourism was first introduced at the IIPT First Global Conference: Tourism – A Vital Force for Peace, Vancouver 1988. IIPT subsequently pioneered the early initiatives towards its implementation:

  • First Codes of Ethics and Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism;
  • First international study of “Models of Best Practice;
  • First international conference on Sustainable Tourism, Montreal 1994

louIIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore, will use the World Travel Market platform to announce IIPT’s 30th Anniversary Global Summit and plans for IIPT’s 30th Anniversary Year. 

We look forward to seeing you there.




IIPT Media Partner ‘Tourism Tatler’
Promotes IIPT Global Peace Parks Campaign in Africa

IIPT has launched a Global Peace Parks Campaign as it prepares to commemorate its 30th anniversary year in 2017 in support of the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development (and Peace). In this context, IIPT is proud to announce ‘Tourism Tatler’ as a media partner promoting the IIPT Global Peace Parks campaign throughout Africa. Please see:


tatlerlogoTourism Tattler is the official journal of several Africa in-bound travel trade associations, global travel trade exhibitions, and industry award programs. It is published monthly and is circulated free of charge via Newsletter links to international subscribers as a practical source for information on the travel trade in Africa. Information is provided on a wide variety of tourism, hospitality and business related topics, thus providing readers with a better understanding of tourism issues, legislation and legal issues that impact on tourism as well as marketing and business principles and strategies.



desIts publisher, Desmond Langkilde is also a travel writer, photographer and tourism consultant who specializes in Africa as a travel destination. “Tourism in Africa holds great potential, but to successfully compete against global travel destinations, African countries must adopt responsible and sustainable values, of which peace, heritage and environmental preservation are key. The IIPT Global Peach Parks Project provides a perfect vehicle through which both governments and tourism product owners alike can practically demonstrate their commitment to these values” stated Desmond.


As a media partner and member of both IIPT and ICTP, Tourism Tattler is supporting the IIPT Global Peace Park Project by offering extensive editorial coverage to all Africa based tourism stakeholders who dedicate a piece of land and unveil their peace park dedication ceremony to coincide with the United Nations International Day of Peace on 21 September 2017.


peacewallThe IIPT Global Peace Parks project is being implemented in partnership with Skal International and the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP). It is based on IIPT’s Peace Parks across Canada project commemorating Canada’s 125th birthday in 1992 – when 350 cities and towns across Canada dedicated a park to peace on October 8 as the National Peace Keeping Monument was being unveiled in Ottawa, the nation’s capital and 5,000 peacekeepers passing in review. Each park included a ‘Bosco Sacro’ – a peace grove of 12 trees  as a symbolic link with one another, and with nature – and as a symbol of hope for the future. The 12 trees were also symbolic of Canada’s 10 Provinces and two Territories. However, this can be a number of trees that is particularly symbolic to the city, town or village.


ljdIIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore stated, “Our goal is to circle the earth with 2,000 Peace Parks – all dedicated or re-dedicated on 21 September 2017 - the UN International Day of Peace. We look forward to your city, town or private sector organization joining us on this major initiative in “Building a Culture of Peace through Tourism” as a lasting legacy of the UN International Year of Tourism for Sustainable Development (and Peace) for future generations.


For more information and to apply to be nominated as an IIPT Peace Park, please click here:



Cultural Angle Most Recent Member of
IIPT/Skal Travel for Peace Campaign


brigIIPT is proud to announce Cultural Angle as the most recent charter member of the IIPT/Skal Travel for Peace Campaign. The Cultural Angle is a boutique consultancy that shares insights with everyone keen to explore the world and themselves within it by viewing life from different perspectives. Led by its Founding Director, Birgit Trauer, the Cultural Angle was born out of her desire to continue to share her insights and passion for travel and tourism, drawing on her extensive experience spanning more than 30 years in industry and academia. 




culturelogoIn becoming a charter member, Birgit stated, “We are all co-creators of our life’s experiences and that of others, including that of harmony and peace.”



globalfamilyThe IIPT/Skal International Travel for Peace Campaign invites all Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Hotel Companies, Airlines, Cruise Lines and Travel Publications to become members of the campaign and join in the movement to encourage travelers around the world to be "Ambassadors for Peace" by practicing the IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler and the travel ethic inherent in the belief that we are “One Earth One Family.”


Members are encouraged to distribute the copyrighted IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler along with the iconic “Portrait of the Global Family” by renown artist Padre Johnson.



The program aim is to create awareness among all travelers that the privilege of traveling provides them with a unique opportunity to learn more about our common home – planet earth, the wonder of its natural beauty, its many diverse peoples, cultures and heritage – and in the process to foster mutual respect, understanding and appreciation with each person they encounter.

prakashsikchiCollaborating with IIPT and Skål International in the design of an interactive website are Mr. Prakash Sikchi, Co-founder of Inspirock and Jeff Crist, Managing Partner, Crist Consulting Group. The website is a place where Travelers for Peace can share their stories and interact with one another. Also collaborating with IIPT and Skal International is the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP).



cristInspirock is an innovative start up that uses state of the art technology to transform how users plan and experience a vacation utilizing a free trip planner.


Crist Consulting provides Web Design and Application Development, Internet Marketing and SEO and IT Consulting.




jstThe International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) is a grassroots travel & tourism coalition of destinations and stakeholders committed to Quality Services & Green Growth; the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Code of Tourism Ethics and Global Compact.





louLouis D’Amore stated, “IIPT was born with a vision of travel and tourism becoming the world’s first global peace industry, an industry that supports the belief that ‘every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace.’ We are honored to have Skal International, Inspirock, Crist Consulting Group and the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP partnering with us in this 30th anniversary year legacy project.” 



nigelNigel Pilkington stated: “Skål International is proud to be associated with IIPT and is fully supportive of the “Travelers for Peace Campaign. In 2015 over 1 billion people travelled internationally according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and this figure is expected to grow. We need to engage with travelers and make them aware of the impact they have when traveling & how they interact with local communities, they can make a difference.”






Grateful for the opportunity to travel and experience the world and because peace begins with the individual,  I affirm my personal responsibility and commitment to:

  • Journey with an open mind and gentle heart
  • Accept with grace and gratitude the diversity I encounter
  • Revere and protect the natural environment which sustains all life
  • Appreciate all cultures I discover
  • Respect and thank my hosts for their welcome
  • Offer my hand in friendship to everyone I meet
  • Support travel services that share these views and act upon them and,
  • By my spirit, words and actions, encourage others to travel the world in peace


IIPT Announces “Travel for Peace” Tour to Jordan with Opportunities to Assist Syrian Refugees



Donald King, Ambassador at Large for the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT), and his wife Lynne will be leading a special “Travel for Peace” tour to Jordan 14-23 March, 2017.


Collaborating with IIPT will be Airline Ambassadors International (AAI) with the intent of visiting Syrian refugee camps during the tour and providing medical and other supplies. AAI helps orphans and vulnerable children worldwide by leveraging connections with the airline industry towards humanitarian service.


AAI will be represented by Sandy Dhuyvetter, a member of the AAI Board of Directors who will manage AAI’s commitment to IIPT. Sandy is also a trainer on Human Trafficking Awareness in the travel industry and an award winning creator, executive producer and host of Travel Talk Radio and Travel Talk Media.


Also planning to join the tour is Bea Broda, who produces Travel TV shows and web clips, including Timeless Places, Passport to Adventure and Outta Town Adventures.  She plans to create a documentary of the tour to include in TV & web broadcasts.


Near Eastern Tours, an IIPT Coalition Partner, Hani Abu Dayyeh, President will provide in-country services for the tour.

Bea Broda
Sandy Dhuyvetter


The Kings have been residents of Jordan and have extensive experience leading tours in Jordan. They also have recently been involved in several humanitarian efforts assisting Syrian refugees while developing relationships with local organizations that provide services to these refugees.


Jordan is one of the world’s spectacular destinations and home to some of the world’s friendliest and most hospitable people.  The itinerary will provide the opportunity to see this fascinating land, meet its people and experience its welcoming spirit.  The tour itinerary will include Jerash, Petra, Wadi Rum, Mt. Nebo, Azraq Wetlands, Shumari Reserve, the Dead Sea and other sites.


jerash wadirum


Participants in this special tour will have the opportunity to assist some of the Syrian refugees who have fled the war in their homeland. We will visit refugee families and provide food parcels, hygiene packets and medical supplies to some of the neediest families. 


childrentoo refugees


Participation in this tour will make a difference in the lives of a few Syrian families and participants will gain an appreciation for one of the most interesting countries in the world.  A detailed itinerary is available.


Travel agents are invited to request more information. Please send an email request to:



IIPT Indian Ocean Islands Chapter

Launches Sustainable & Responsible Tourism Network

The International Institute for Peace through Tourism- Indian Ocean islands Chapter, in partnership with the Social Club of Air Mauritius and the World Airline Clubs Association (WACA) under the leadership of Maga Ramasamy have launched the Sustainable and Responsible Tourism Network for Mauritius and Rodrigues.


The Network was launched to coincide with the arrival of Cassie De Pecol, IIPT Ambassador for Peace who is traveling to all 196 Sovereign Nations with the aim of setting a Guinness world record by doing so in less than two years and becoming the first woman and youngest person to do so. Cassie has now traveled to more than 150 countries.



The network is composed of various stakeholders – representatives of emerging entrepreneurs in the tourism industry, tourism professionals, Hotel groups, DMCs, Airline companies, NGOs, Academics and other tourism stakeholders.


Mindful of the debates at the United Nations for transforming our world in relation to the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, the 17 SDGs with 169 targets were announced last year to demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal agenda asserting the importance of the economic, social and environmental spheres.


Maga Ramasamy stated, “The UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has identified 3 SDGs where the word tourism is included but if you go through the other 14 SDGS, it is clear that tourism, since it is the most dynamic sector with global reach, makes an important contribution to the achievement of the SDGs in general.”


Maga continued, “Our Sustainable and Responsible Tourism network will work in close collaboration with the local tourism authorities as well as international organizations such as the UNWTO, International Coalition Tourism Partners ICTP, and others in its dedication to promoting the SDG’s.”



Porto da Barra, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

Remembrance of 911


A special edition of “Play for Peace” / “Toque pela Paz”, “A Remembrance of 15 Years Since 911 (09/11/2001)” was a night of acoustic music Sunday evening, September 11 in Salvador’s Porto da Barra. The presentation, on the sidewalk in front of Dougie’s Rendezvous and Village Novo Beach Suites, featured songs with a central theme of peace and sustainability and included the premiere of Doug Adair and Fred Barreto’s “Suite for Peace”, a collection of seven songs in Portuguese and English including “Somos Uma Grande Família” / “One Great Big Family”;  “Toque pela Paz”; “Vai Seja Amigo de Todos” / “Go Be A Friend to All” and others.



doughlasMP3s and Song Lyrics for the Suite for Peace are available for download on DropCanvas at  and songs can be streamed on SoundCloud at


People from all over the Salvador metropolitan region were invited to bring their acoustic musical and percussion instruments to play and sing songs of peace. “Play for Peace” / “Toque pela Paz”, Porto da Barra, where Brazil essentially began in the 1500s, has a long history of fostering peace movements.  


According to Mardou Monzel, coordinator of “Play for Peace” / “Toque pela Paz”, the idea is to start small in Porto da Barra and organically grow a movement focused on peace, friendship and sustainability. She says that Porto da Barra represents a microcosm of the challenges facing destinations everywhere which need to accommodate local residents, visitors, and events while at the same time maintaining sustainability.


“Play for Peace” / “Toque pela Paz” is inspired by the International Ambassador for Peace Campaign created by IIPT -- the International Institute for Peace through Tourism ( and Skal International ( The campaign seeks to engage hotels, airlines, travel agents, tour operators and other industry sectors in promoting the belief that every local resident and every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace.


For more information about “Play for Peace” / “Toque pela Paz”, “A Remembrance of 15 Years Since 911 (09/11/2001)”, in Salvador’s Porto da Barra, contact:


Doug Adair E-mail:

Tel: +55 (71) 3451-5791


For information about IIPT and Skal International, contact:



African Diaspora


IIPT Caribbean President Inducted into

African Diaspora World Tourism Hall of Fame


Diana McIntyre Pike, IIPT Caribbean Chapter President, was inducted into The African Diaspora World Tourism Hall of Fame at the recent  African Diaspora World Tourism Awards (ADWTA)  and Travel Expo held in Atlanta, Georgia from August 26-28, 2016.  Hon. Edmund Bartlett, Jamaica Minister of Tourism was also inducted during the same ceremony – both for dedicated service in cultural heritage tourism. The ceremony honors persons who have made a significant contribution to black cultural heritage.





kittypopedrbabsThe ADWT-Awards event was again presented by African Diaspora Tourism publisher Kitty J. Pope,  Founder/Director and Executive Producer with AD King Foundation CEO Dr. Babs Onabanjo, Awards Producer.


IIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore served as an International Chair of the event together with Dr. Ewart Brown, former Premier of Bermuda and Dr. David Flemming, Director, National Museum Liverpool.

About IIPT
The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding, cooperation among nations, an improved quality of environment, cultural enhancement and the preservation of heritage, poverty reduction, reconciliation and healing wounds of conflicts; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.  It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.”

For more information:
IIPT Website:
Tel: (802) 253-8671

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