![]() IIPT India Inaugurates the First Global Peace Awards
The event will be held on Friday, 11 Mar at ITB Berlin, Room New York 3, Hall 7.1a from 16:15 to 17:00. All are welcome.
H.E. Alain St. Ange
The IIPT India Global Awards, “Celebrating Her” are intended to acknowledge and celebrate exceptional women in the fields of travel, tourism and hospitality; individuals with a clarity of vision and mission who appreciate and believe that tourism, perhaps the biggest industry in the world, could become the first global peace industry and who have consistently worked towards fostering the tourism as a vehicle for peace.
The process of the Awards has been styled on the basis of the UNWTO’s mechanism of scouting for achievers across diverse activities who have in their unique way created innovative products and services that can be considered exemplary towards helping others whilst setting up and managing a business professionally and in line with the best international practices. “Individuals who have demonstrated strong personal values and determination to make the difference are worthy of recognition and reward. They also need to be celebrated as role models for the younger generation to follow,” said Ajay Prakash, President of IIPT India
The IIPT India awards “Celebrating Her” 2016 in partnership with ITB Berlin, UNWTO, WTTC, PATA, SKAL International, ICTP and MITM focus on women achievers across the Globe. |
IIPT Caribbean to Launch Academy for Community Tourism
Diana McIntyre-Pike
The purpose of the Academy of Community Tourism (ACT) is to support CCTN/VAB's mission to lift up and energize communities through participation in tourism and contribute to peace and harmony among the peoples of the world. The Academy is thus a core tool for implementing the philosophy of Community Tourism, empowering individuals through tourism and tourism-related skills and entrepreneurship and growing small and medium enterprises, the lifeblood of every economy.
In creating the Academy, the IIPT Caribbean and CountryStyle/Villages as Businesses have partnered with Etalon Global Solutions (EGS), an approved Pearson EDEXCEL Training and Certification Centre founded by Dr. Carolyn Hayle, former Executive Director of Jamaica’s National Training Agency.
ACT builds on Countrystyle's existing hospitality and entrepreneurship training courses but, through EGS, adds the vehicle through which internationally recognised certification and further professional skills become easily accessible. ACT will make it possible for persons without traditional formal qualifications achieve academic credential and excellence over time. As a result, the Academy will deliver the skills training necessary for creating a truly internationally certified and competitive community-based tourism workforce.
Diana McIntyre-Pike is world-renowned for creating Community Experience tours, spreading her vision of economically sustainable communities and preparing villages to participate in Community Tourism. Viewing villages from a business perspective is a holistic approach to development through tourism. This approach promotes prosperity and understanding and peace between and among people, locally and globally.
IIPT Caribbean and Countrystyle also co-ordinate the IIPT/SKAL Peace Towns and Villages programme in the Caribbean. They are based in Mandeville in Manchester, Jamaica which has the distinction of being the first IIPT/Skal Peace Town registered in the Caribbean while Treasure Beach in the neighbouring parish of St. Elizabeth is the first IIPT/Skal Peace Village of the Caribbean.
The launch of ACT will herald a new phase in Community Tourism globally by providing an avenue for empowering entrepreneurs, village by village, to operate businesses efficiently, effectively and with style. Also available is a 14-day Village Tourism Planning and Management short course for practitioners as a community tourism study tour through Countrystyle Caribbean Vacations and Tours (COCAVAT) and its tour partner CARIBIC/OLYMPIA TOURS.
Community tourism and international training and certification are catalysts for poverty reduction, the conservation of nature and culture, better governance, and more harmonious and self-reliant communities.
For further information, please contact: IIPT CARIBBEAN/Countrystyle Secretariat – tel: 1 876 507-6326, email: iiptcaribbean@yahoo.com
Cassie DePecol Close to Midpoint in Record Setting Global Journey as IIPT Ambassador for Peace
Cassie is traveling as an IIPT Ambassador for Peace and Skal International (the world’s largest organization of travel and tourism executives) promoting the role of tourism in peace and sustainability. During her journey, Cassie is meeting with University students of Tourism and Hospitality giving motivational talks; planting peace trees and collecting water samples for the Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation project, to then test for microplastics.
Skal International has been arranging for Cassie to meet with the Presidents and members of each Skal national organization as she visits their respective countries which total 85 in regions throughout the world. They in turn are assisting Cassie in organizing her program in each of their countries.
“I was so excited for the opportunity to travel to Afghanistan- Kabul. I traveled here alone in February of 2016. 4 check points to get into the hotel. Lot less citizens coming into Kabul, many visitors.”
“I happened to travel to Kuwait City at just the right time! Upon arrival, everyone was handing out roses to people arriving and there were flags hung up everywhere. So fun watching everyone squirt water guns at cars, throw water balloons, have picnics, BBQ's and play authentic music to celebrate National Day Kuwait these past few days! Perfect timing for my visit! I was able to get a photo op with a Governor upon arrival in the airport too. Fun times in Kuwait.”
“Dubai- Desert Safari, Arabian Nights - a tour of the desert and watched various cultural dances and dinner.”
VBlogs of Cassie in Kuwait during celebration of National Day and Dubai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pktBHHF2fpo
For more information see: |
Tourism, Terrorism and a Culture of Welcome
Tourism versus Terrorism – two phenomena that could hardly be more antagonistic to each other. Whereas Tourism faces its hitherto farthest-reaching challenge as the world's leading 'peace industry', terrorism tries to impose its sinister ideas through violence, atrocities, and war.
Max Haberstroh
Globalization brings about winds of change. They seem to blow particularly stiff, and all of us can feel them like preludes of a new 'Zeitgeist'. Sometimes it needs accidents or even calamities to make people come closer to cooperate. Perhaps the migration issue and its imponderables can be turned into a set of outside-the-box opportunities for tourism leaders, as 'Zeitgeist' trendsetters of cross-cultural and cross-industry solidarity, as catalysts to 'higher purpose' missions, as image-makers for host-regions and countries? Can tourism play an active role in re-shaping society? There are already promising initiatives: Almost forty companies, including tourism firms like TUI and Lufthansa, launched the initiative 'We Together', to offer jobs, training and support for refugees to Germany. Travel & Tourism could play a key role encouraging hosts to meet migrants peer-to-peer, to show pride of their culture, without slipping into cultural chauvinism or allowing themselves to be captured by fears of cultural alienation.
Questions arise that deserve further developing:
As hosts we cannot select migrants according to our own preferences, but instead should welcome them following the degree of their own neediness. Last, but not least, defending our own values, migrants' dignity and a healthy approach to 'carrying capacity' criteria could provide the sound balance of a promising culture of welcome.
In 2016, coincidentally proclaimed by UN the 'Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development' and by Pope Francis the 'Year of Mercy', Travel & Tourism could open doors to a new 'Zeitgeist' hospitality that would point to new perspectives and facilitate the integration of refugees into Western societies. |
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