IIPT India Celebrates 1st Anniversary with Launch of MBA Program and Dedication of SVIMS International Classrooms
IIPT India celebrated the 1st Anniversary of its birth on 30 January 2016 at SVIMS (Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Management Studies), headquarters of the IIPT India Educators Network Forum. A highlight of the 1st Anniversary was with the inauguration of the new SVIMS International classrooms.
The event also marked the launch of the 1 year MBA in Tourism Excellence programme which SVIMS International will conduct in collaboration with the LIUTEBM (Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence & Business Management) of Lusaka, Zambia. The agreement for this collaboration was signed during the visit of Dr. Patrick Kalifungwa, Vice Chancellor of LIUTEBM, to Mumbai in Sep 2015.
Speaking at the meetings of the Academic and Advisory Councils, Kiran Yadav, Vice President of IIPT India announced the launch and introduced the aims and objectives of the International MBA in Tourism Excellence to the august gathering of entrepreneurs, academicians, educators, government officials, airline and agency representatives. Students who complete the 6 months SVIMS Certificate Program in Tourism with an A Grade are eligible to seek direct admission to the Second Semester of the LIUTEBM MBA (Tourism Excellence) and are also entitled to participate in the 3 month LIUTEBM International Internship Program. On successful completion of the Semester and Internship in Lusaka, Zambia, LIUTEBM will confer the students with its international MBA (Tourism Excellence) Degree. “We shall be taking only 30 students from across the country in the program in order to ensure quality” said Kiran Yadav.
“It’s been an eventful year from the official launch of IIPT India at SATTE on 30 Jan 2015” said Ajay Prakash, President IIPT India. “Starting with taking a delegation of 20 Indian students to the IIPT Global Symposium at Johannesburg; to a session at ITB Berlin 2015 focused on the Inbound Woman Traveler which was addressed by Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General UNWTO; to the launch of the IIPT Educators Network Forum in Mumbai in association with IIPT’s Consortium of Collaborating Universities; to a one day symposium at the Central University of Jammu; to two sessions at the 1st MITM (Maharashtra International Travel Mart) followed by the first Peace Awards for Empowered Women in Indian Tourism which were presented at the closing ceremony of MITM by the Governor of Maharashtra; to the launch of an MBA in Tourism Excellence in collaboration with SVIMS International, Mumbai and Livingstone International University and leading up to the Symposium from 01-03 Feb 2016 at the Shiksa ‘O’ Anusandhan University in Bhubaneshwar - it’s been a busy year, indeed.”
Next month IIPT India will be holding the global Awards for Empowered Women in Tourism – “Celebrating Her.” The Awards will be held in Berlin during the ITB on 11 March in association with ITB Berlin and the UNWTO. Tourism ministers from across the world are expected to attend the award ceremony where Dr. Taleb Rifai will present awards to 5 exceptional women. “We are excited to partner with IIPT India and the UNWTO in this wonderful initiative,” says Rika Jean-Francois, CSR Commissioner at ITB Berlin.
For those of you who will be at ITB Berlin, please make a note of the details of the event: Friday 11 Mar 2016, Room NY 3, Hall 7.1a from 16:15 to 17:00. We look forward to your presence.
IIPT India Celebrates 1st Anniversary as Co-organizer of International Symposium: “Fostering Tourism for Global Peace”
Following up on IIPT India’s thrust on quality education for tourism, the temple city of Bhubaneshwar was the venue of the international Symposium on “Fostering Tourism for Global Peace” from 01 to 03 February. The Symposium was jointly organized by the Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, IIPT India and the Indian Travel & Hospitality Congress.
The symposium brought students, scholars, educators, entrepreneurs, professionals, NGOs, government representatives and local community members to a common platform for debate and discussions on the theme of the symposium and to propose new initiatives through which the diverse sectors of the world's tourism industry can facilitate and contribute further to the goal of “Global Peace through Tourism” Some of the broad objectives were: • Provide a forum for policy makers, government and private enterprise, academicians, practitioners, researchers, donor agencies, foundations and NGOs to debate for consensus on more effective models of achieving collaboration towards sustainable tourism development and peacebuilding. • Identify Models of Best Practice in Peace through Tourism and facilitate effective knowledge transfer on Models of Best Practice. • Identify and enhance the role of global tourism in facilitating dialogue, relationships, collaboration and reconciliation. • Engage researchers, educators, professionals and future leaders of the industry in the debate, and in conducting innovative research that will contribute to enhanced understanding of peace through tourism pathways. • Identify and promote potential synergies with other industries for sustainable wealth creation, poverty reduction, conflict prevention and peace promotion in the world. • Envision for next five years in deepening and expanding the process for peace tourism development along with community participation.
The Symposium, chaired by Prof. Sitikantha Mishra, Chairman of the All India Board for Hospitality & Tourism Management, All India Council for Technical Education, was inaugurated by Dr. Toni Atanasovski, Ambassador of Macedonia and attended by over 100 professors and Heads of Department of Universities across India, Malaysia and the UAE along with entrepreneurs and students of the Shiksa ‘O’ Anusandhan University. Dr. Louis D’Amore, Founding President of IIPT was also scheduled to address the Symposium but had to cancel his travel plans at the last moment. Ajay Prakash read Dr. D’Amore’s letter expressing his regret at being unable to attend but pledging his support to the outcomes of the Symposium.
Kiran Yadav, Vice President of IIPT India and Ajay Prakash, President addressed the audience and received an excellent response. Dr. Bibhuti Pradhan, Registrar of the SoA University and Ajay Prakash signed an MoU to create an IIPT India Centre for Excellence at the University. This is the second IIPT India Centre of Excellence; the first was created at Central University of Jammu in Sep 2015. IIPT India intends to create 100 such Centres of Excellence at various universities across the country by the end of 2016.
PATA Study Shows Peace a Boon to Tourism
The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has published a research report examining how peace, democracy and ending geopolitical and ethnic conflicts can facilitate tourism growth. How Travel & Tourism Benefits From Peace – A Statistical Analysis of the Asian Experience examines 12 countries in South Asia and South-east Asia as case studies, illustrating how travel and tourism is booming in nations which are at peace but not so for those that are still grappling with either internal or external conflicts or both.
He said: “With this report we want to show in simple numbers the positive benefits that travel and tourism can bring to a destination. We want to give a sense of hope to those who are still affected by conflict and show them the path to a better future.” He also voiced hope that the report will be used by leaders in both the public and private sectors to make peace-building a significant part of the travel and tourism agenda.
The study provides a statistical analysis of 12 Asian countries: Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.The study concludes “that peace is the fundamental prerequisite for human progress. When peace and stability prevail between and within countries, tourism booms and vice versa. As travel and tourism has become an indispensable part of the regional development equation it becomes critical for the industry at large to explore the broader dynamics of preserving peace and preventing conflict.”
“As populations increase the challenge is to find jobs for the emerging legions of young people while taking care of the ageing populations within the context of diminishing natural resources and environmental pressures. Travel and tourism is well placed to be a sustainable part of the solution.”
“Travel and tourism is the only industry that survives entirely on preserving culture, history, heritage and the environment - all of which are part and parcel of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. While this study has focused entirely upon Asia, it can be applied in equal measure to any country, region or sub-region globally.” The study was conducted by Imtiaz Muqbil, Executive Editor, Travel Impact Newswire, one of the Asia Pacific region’s longest-serving travel trade journalists spanning a career that dates back to 1980. Imtiaz was winner of a PATA Travel Journalism Award in 2005 for coverage of the December 2004 tsunami disaster. He has written several articles and given talks regarding tourism and peace. |
IIPT Interview with Jayson Westbury, Chair of World Travel Agents Association Alliance (WTAAA)
WTAAA regularly engages with the Media, European Union, IATA and the Airlines, CLIA and the Cruise Lines, UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), World health Organization (WHO), Global Distribution Systems, Hotel Brands, and other travel suppliers. Key Issues include: Value of the travel agency sales channel, Distribution Standards, IATA Passenger Sales Agency Agreement, Cross-border selling, Cruise Lines, and Taxation.
Following are the highlights of the interview. Q. The word “Peace” has many varied definitions and understandings. How would you describe achieving “peace” in a Business and Commercial environment?
“In my opinion peace can’t be served and upheld without mutual respect for one another and so I would see that in the travel and tourism industry the more respect we have for each other the more we can understand views that vary and with this understanding, one would hope peace will come”
Q. How can we use Tourism as a means by which to facilitate Peace and Understanding within the Travel Industry?
“Travel and Tourism is a people business. We are ladies and gentlemen providing services to ladies and gentlemen. The people of the industry can and in most cases do make the difference that carries with it the powerful message of Peace and Understanding. If every customer that someone working in the travel and tourism industry interacts with has a message of peace delivered with the itinerary, we can go a long way to a more peaceful society and be a powerful force for peace across the globe.”
Q. What are some of the ways that WTAAA can help lead Travel Agents to act with Responsible and Sustainable commitment to Tourism?
“The WTAAA is a very broad church of counties who look to spread the word of travel with many and varied stakeholders. Be they suppliers of travel products, technology companies, government authorities, elected political figures or the travel agent’s members themselves, the message of responsible and sustainable travel and tourism is a key and impact aspect to the work that WTAAA does. We all want to leave this earth in a better place than that which we may have found it when we arrived and the wonderful thing about the travel and tourism industry with its' truly global footprint, is that we are well place to pay forward strong messages to ensure that travel agents and the broader travel and tourism industry give more than lip services to being responsible and upholding a sustainable approach for the betterment of all who may take a holiday or travel.”
Q. Can you see a role for WTAAA and IIPT collaborating for our mutual and complimentary objectives?
“Well of course, we must all work together to ensure that “Peace through Tourism” is a value held by everyone in the travel value chain and the WTAAA does do this via many of the in country relationships that exist with WTAAA members and IIPT in market at a local level. I see no reason why this can’t be cultivated and enhanced as concepts and ideas are put forward to identify appropriate ways to better collaborate.” |
Coxless Crew Greeted by IIPT and Skal on Arrival in Cairns after Rowing more than 15,000 kms across Pacific Ocean Four young ladies departed San Francisco in April 2015, rowing 8,446 miles across the Pacific Ocean arrived in Cairns, Australia on 27 January. Their journey across the Pacific set three world records:
Fiona McFarlane, representing both Skal International and IIPT was on shore to greet the Coxless Crew on their arrival. “I met these amazing girls this morning and I’m sure they were very glad to finally be on dry land judging by the huge smiles on their faces. It was a very emotional arrival not only for the girls and their families but also for those that witnessed it.” In her letter of Congratulations shown in the photo above together with the welcome of Skal International, Gail Parsonage, President, IIPT Australia congratulated the Coxless Crew for their epic journey and welcomed them to Australia. “Your tenacity, endurance and courage is an inspiration to all. May your success and accomplishment be acknowledged and applauded by all who have witnessed your perseverance, commitment and heroism.” Members of the Coxless Crew, Laura Penhaul, Emma Mitchell, Natalia Cohen, and Isabel Burnham, expressed their gratitude to those who helped them become the first team of four to row across the Pacific Ocean. They battled the ocean and the elements on their 236-day ocean voyage from San Francisco to Cairns, making landfall only twice to restock supplies. Their motivation for making the journey was to inspire women globally to follow their dreams and to raise awareness and essential funds for their chosen charities – Walking With The Wounded and Breast Cancer Care. "This was an overwhelming experience and an overwhelming arrival that we had really not expected," Laura Penhaul said. "It's been a long slog but it's great to be here at the finish line as true friends." Their home for the last 10 months, a 29-foot, bright pink, ocean rowing boat named Doris, weighs close to a tonne but only has two cabins — one of which was usually so full of supplies it was unable to be used. The tiny cabin was the only retreat the women had from the elements, but also from each other. "We'd spend two hours rowing and then we'd go into this tiny capsule which was about the size of a cosy two-man tent," Emma Mitchell said. "In that space, we had to keep all our stuff; we had to eat, sleep, do our washing. It's our laundry, our kitchen, our dining room — kind of everything really.” “It’s strange. There is a kind of numbness for most of us at the moment. We need some time to assess how we’re feeling, reflect on what has just happened and re-adjust to being back on land and away from our usual oceanic environment. There are sounds, smells, people and so much visual stimulation everywhere here on land. Our heads feel heavy with tiredness, our legs are stiff and painful as they are getting used to a walking motion again, our callused hands feel hard and rough and all our salt sores are itchy as they begin drying out.”
“We will all be spending a few days quality time with our respective families and then re-uniting as a team before flying back to the UK. We have been blown away by the friendliness of everyone we have come across and the endless support we have received since we arrived.
For More information, a video and blogs: http://coxlesscrew.com/blog/
Cassie DePecol meets with NYU Students to discuss Global Journey as IIPT-Skal Ambassador for Peace
“Our generation, ‘The Millennial’s’, have a unique opportunity to change the world with the internet and instant communication which has no borders. We are all connected and my journey is showing that connection. Millennials can unite the world,” said Cassandra De Pecol, during her meeting with students of New York University this past week as part of her Guinness World Record-setting Expedition that includes stopovers in 196 countries.
Cassie was graciously hosted at NYU by Professor Tracey Coleman with the support of Associate Dean Kristin M. Lamoureux,Tisch Center for Hospitality and Tourism, NYU School of Professional Studies.
Following the class, Cassie commented, “Such an amazing group of students! Very thought provoking questions and amazing connections were made during my presentation. We discussed a topic the class was studying called "Cohen's Theory" and how it relates to my journey.” Cassie expressed her appreciation to the class for listening to her message and particularly to Professor Tracey Coleman for inviting her to speak to her class.”
Cassie is attempting to become the first documented woman to travel to all 196 sovereign nations in record time to set a Guinness World Record. In the process, Cassie is promoting the role of tourism in peace and sustainability by bringing cultures together and making a positive impact on the environment, society and economy. An educational documentary will follow upon successful completion of her Expedition.
Cassie most recently visited Jamaica, the Bahamas, Honduras and Mexico prior to her recent stay in New York. She has now completed visits to 60 countries since the start of her global record setting journey this past July.
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