Ms. Naomi King to Participate in
IIPT World Symposium: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations through Tourism, Culture and Sport
Being held in Ekurhuleni, South Africa (adjacent to O.R. Tambo Johannesburg International airport) 16 to 19 February 2015. Ms. King will be a guest speaker and will accept a special IIPT plaque on behalf of the King family as we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ms. Naomi King is co-founder of the AD.King Foundation that she established in honor of her husband who stood solidly with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the Civil Rights movement and supported his belief in equality and non-violence. The Foundation’s motto strikes at the very heart of the Symposium theme: "A threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" and building a beloved community is a glorious task that must be done.
One of the few remaining icons of the Civil Rights Movement, Ms. King gives a firsthand account about the highs and lows of life as a member of the King family. In her book, she writes about how the brothers were committed to the same dream, same struggle and same mission. She brings to light, perhaps for the first time, how Dr. King relied heavily on her husband for unconditional support, encouragement, advice, and organizational skills during the Civil Rights Movement.
During her travels, Ms. King has continued to receive royal treatment as a member of the King family and as a Civil Rights icon in all the places that she has visited. At the invitation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Ms, King participated a Commonwealth Celebration honoring the dead of World War I and World War II and was among the selected dignitaries who laid a wreath along with HRH Prince Charles and other members of the Royal Family.
Ms. King supported her husband during the Civil Rights Movement and was very active as First Lady in the churches that he pastored. The mother of five children, she was known as an anchor while her husband “risked his life to fight for the freedom of the oppressed.” She sponsored, spoke at and sang for various events to raise money for the Civil Rights movement and continues to speak out and support important societal issues today.
Ms. Naomi King holds awards and special recognition from such organizations as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), NAACP, Priests for Life, and the American Bridge Association. She is the recipient of the Rosa Park Award, King for America Truth Finder Award, SCLC Women Award.
A woman of grace and distinction, Ms. King is known as a butterfly queen because like the butterfly, she brings natural beauty and joy to everyone she meets. Despite living through the turmoil in the quest for Civil Rights that including the bombing of her house and church, along with all of the threats that she and her husband received, Ms. King has remained a woman of great faith. She describes herself as a woman who just loves people. She says, “In my head, heart and eyes, love has no color.” She believes that it is time to embrace our diversity by moving from division to unity, doubt to hope and from hate to love. Ms. King will be accompanied by Dr. Babs Onabanjo, CEO of the A. D. King Foundation during her visit to South Africa for the IIPT Symposium. For more information on Ms. Naomi King and the A.D. King foundation, please visit: Sponsorship Opportunities Organizations interested in sponsoring the Symposium are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: In South Africa, please contact Bernadette Nickol:
More Information and Registration More information on the Symposium is available at To register – please visit: |
Momentum Builds towards IIPT World Symposium, South Africa Cultivating a Culture of Peace and Sustainability
Momentum continues to build towards the IIPT World Symposium: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations tthrough Tourism, Culture and Sport being held in Ekurhuleni, South Africa (adjacent to Johannesburg International Airport) February 16-19, 2015. Delegates from more than 30 nations have registered for the World Symposium that will honor the legacies of the world’s three champions of Peace Non-Violent Resistance: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Symposium, which is endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, will also commemorate the 50th Anniversary of African Union, 20 years of South African Democracy, and 50th Anniversary of Civil Rights Legislation in the United States. Venue for the Symposium is Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni adjacent to O.R. Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg.
Interactive and Action Oriented An interactive and action oriented Symposium is being planned that will seek to honor the legacies of the world’s three champions of peace and non-violence by building bridges of tourism, friendship and peace in regions throughout the world - and in this process, cultivating sustainable and peaceful communities and nations. Towards this end, IIPT and Skal International are cooperating in a campaign leading up to the IIPT World Symposium to encourage cities, towns and villages across South Africa to declare themselves as IIPT/Skal Cities, Towns, or Villages of Peace. A goal of 50 IIPT/Skal Peace cities,towns and villages has been set symbolic of the 50th anniversary of African Union. Pietermaritzburg is the most recent city to commit itself to peace. The city has great significance for the IIPT World Symposium as it marks the location where non-violent resistance had its beginnings more than 120 years ago. It is the city where Mahatma Gandhi boarded a train to travel to Pretoria in May 1983 and wassubsequently thrown off the train for refusing to give up the first class seat that he had purchased.
Keynote Speakers
Other keynote speakers will include: Hon. Derek Hanekom, Minister of Tourism, South Africa; Hon. Alain St. Ange, Minister of Tourism, Seychelles; Amb. Yamina Karitanyi, Head of Tourism and Conservation, Rwanda (Invited); Martin Craigs, Chairman, Aerospace Forum Asia, and CEO, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA – November 2011 to November 2014); Hon. Maria Mutagamba, Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities; Mr. Salih Cene, President, Skal International; Ms. Naomi King, Co-founder, AD King Center, Atlanta; Hon. Jean Kapata, Minister of Tourism and Arts, Zambia (invited); and Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, President, International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP); Hon. Deepak Chandra Amatya, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Nepal.
The highly interactive and action oriented Symposium has two basic aims:
Both with a view to initiating concrete actions towards the implementation of these goals.
Sponsorship Opportunities Organizations interested in sponsoring the Symposium are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: In South Africa, please contact Bernadette Nickol:
More Information and Registration More information on the Symposium is available at To register – please visit: |
IIPT World Symposium to Feature Leading Practitioners The IIPT World Symposium: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities through Tourism, Culture and Sports will bring together a number of leading practioners who will share their experience and insights during a series of interactive sessions.
The Symposium, honoring the legacies of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. is being held February 16-19, 2015 at Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni, South Africa.
Leading practitioners who will be participating in the Symposium include:
Thomas Steinmetz, Founder and Chairman, International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) and Publisher, eTurbo News.
Dr. Toni Neubauer, Founder and President, Myths and Mountains; Founder, award winning Rural Education and Development (READ Global) that has served 211 rural communities with its libraries/community centers and positively impacted the lives of 211 million persons. Toni and READ Global are a recipient of the IIPT Ambassador for Peace Award.
Gopinath (Gopi) Parayil, Founder of the award winning The Blue Yonder
Dr. Martha Honey, Co-Founder and Co-Director, Center for Responsible Travel (CREST)
Hani Abu Dayyeh, President, Near East Tourist Agency (NET) and negotiator of the Tourism Section of the Oslo Peace Accords for the Palestinians
Dr. Jovan Popesku, Full Professor at SINGIDUNUM UNIVERSITY, Belgrade, Serbia and President, Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Development, Belgrade; former Director of National Tourist Office, Serbia.
Dr. David Adams was the Director of the UNESCO Culture of Peace Program and currently the Founder and Coordinator of the Culture of Peace Network.
Kitty Pope, prominent award winning African American Travel Journalist, Creator of the Africa Diaspora Heritage Trail World Tourism Awards; founder and director of the International Association of Black Travel Writers; President of the Pan African Cultural Heritage Tourism Society and Assistant Director of the National Cultural Heritage Tourism Center
Dr. Patrick Kalifungwa, former Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, Zambia; Vice Chancellor of the award winning Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM).
Glendyrr Fick, Manager, Trade and Development, Knysna Tourism and Founder, Green Chefs.
Steve DeVoss, Founder and President Global Sports Partners, utilizing sports to foster post-conflict reconciliation and healing.
Judy Karwacki, President, Small Planet Consulting, prominent international consultant in sustainable tourism.
Jean Marc Mignon, President, Organisation Internationale du Tourisme Social (O.I.T.S.) – promoting social tourism in regions throughout the world.
Lucky K. Chhetri, President of award winning Three Sisters Trekking, empowering the women of Nepal.
Daniel Adidwa, CEO of Tour 2.0 Global Writers (Pty) Ltd.
Timothy Marshall, Chairman, IIPT Board of Directors; President, Jamaica Business Resource Center (JBRC) Victor Mutanga, Founder & President - Afro Global Youth Exchange PTY Ltd and UNESCO - Olympic Truce Youth Peace Ambassador - South Africa Jennifer Seif, Executive Director, Fair Trade Tourism Enzo Fazzino, Director for Africa, UNESCO, Culture of Peace Program Marsha Smoke, President, Pash Travel and Canadian pioneer in Indigenous Tourism
Nikki Rose, Founder & Director, Crete’s Culinary Sanctuaries and Eco-Agritourism Network Diana McIntyre Pike, President, Countrystyle Community Tours and President, Villages as Businesses, President, IIPT Caribbean Chapter Bea Broda, Producer/Writer/Host/Speaker and President of BC PICTURES: multimedia and tv productions. Past President, Society of American Travel Writers Dr. Ernie Heath, Professor, Department of Business Management, University of Pretoria Cassandra Depecol, TriAthlete and World Traveler
Concurrent sessions include many other expert practitioners who will also be pleased to meet with you during the Symposium and to share experiences with you.
Sponsorship Opportunities Organizations interested in sponsoring the Symposium are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: In South Africa, please contact Bernadette Nickol:
More Information and Registration More information on the Symposium is available at To register – please visit: |
Pre-Symposium Day to Feature Media and Community Tourism Workshops – Educator and Student Forums – and IIPT Family Meeting
A series of pre-symposium events will be held on 16 February – the day prior to the Symposium – available to all registered delegates at no additional fee. These will include a Media half day workshop, a full day Community Tourism Workshop, Full day Educators Forum, Full day Student/Youth Leadership Forum and an “IIPT Family Meeting.”
As well, the IIPT Young Professionals Founding Meeting will be held following the Student/Youth Leadership Forum.
Media Workshop
Bea has targeted areas in international journalism where she can be a voice for positive change. The concept of accelerating peace through tourism is one that prevails in all of her productions. Her TV shows have been aired widely across Canada and in the northern USA, and her website that contains hundreds of video clips and travel news,, is popular worldwide.
Her workshop will emphasize responsible reporting in travel journalism due to the profound impact a story can have. As well, Bea will present a synopsis of the technical and marketing skills today’s journalist should be prepared with, including selection of equipment at all budget levels, social media outreach, Photoshop and editing technique and getting the story “out there” to readers, listeners and editors.
Community Tourism Workshop
The Community Tourism workshop will familiarize participants with the concept and objectives of Community Tourism. Using a highly interactive approach, Diana will illustrate practical steps required to build hospitality products geared to both domestic and international visitors. Participants will learn how to identify unique natural, historical and cultural heritage assets and human resources as the starting components for potential community experience tourism.
Participants will also be introduced to what is required to set up their community-based brand and business by utilizing the business model canvas. The concluding session will ensure that participants in the workshop leave with a clear picture of what their next steps need to be to design a community tourism plan and begin development and network marketing.
Educators Forum
A number of prominent educators will present papers at the Forum with the aim of stimulating further discussion and ideas towards collaborative educational initiatives related to research, curriculum development, student and faculty exchanges and further development of the IIPT Consortium of Collaborating Universities (IIPT – CCU).
Student/Youth Leadership Forum
The Student/Youth Leadership Forum will be moderated by Nishit Charadva, Coordinator of the IIPT International Student/Youth Leadership Network.
A Founding meeting of the IIPT Young Professionals Network will be held immediately following the Forum.
IIPT Family Meeting A meeting will be held of all IIPT Chapter members, Educator and Student/Youth Leadership Network members, Coalition Partners and Advisory Board members to share initiatives that have been taken, ideas for collaboration and the next phase of IIPT development as it prepares for the commemoration of its 30th anniversary year and Eighth Global Summit to be announced during the Symposium.
Sponsorship Opportunities Organizations interested in sponsoring the Symposium are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: In South Africa, please contact Bernadette Nickol:
More Information and Registration More information on the Symposium is available at To register – please visit: |
Global journey for peace and world record to be launched at IIPT World Symposium
The Symposium honors the legacies of the world’s three champions of peace and non-violent resistance, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. with the aim of furthering their legacies by building bridges of tourism, friendship and peace in regions throughout the world. For more information on the IIPT World Symposium, please refer to our December Newsletter at
The action oriented Symposium will feature the launch of Cassie’s global journey to all 195 of the world’s sovereign nations as she sets out to break a world record while traveling as an IIPT Ambassador for Peace and promoting “Peace through Tourism” in each of the nations, cities, towns and villages that she visits.
Cassie will begin her journey on 1 July, 2015 with the goal of
Cassie will be traveling as a “global citizen” as she promotes “Peace through Tourism” with the endorsement of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT). IIPT will also support Cassie’s global journey by arranging for her to be met by Ministers of Tourism where possible as well as mayors of cities, towns and villages she plans to visit in each country.
Cassie stated: “I’m going to be presenting them a declaration of peace, doing photo ops and meeting with children, youth and people of my generation, discussing ‘Peace’ and what it means to them.” She also aims to be a source of inspiration to everyone she meets. In particular, she is “Hoping to influence people of my generation to pursue their dreams and a rewarding, fulfilled life.” A further goal of the record setting global journey is to promote the IIPT/Skal Cities, Towns and Villages initiative with the hope that Cassie’s visits will also inspire Cities, Towns and Villages along the way to “agree to be actively committed to promoting values of tolerance, non-violence, gender equality, human rights, youth empowerment, environmental integrity, and sustainablehuman, social and economic development.”
Cassie has considerable travel experience having traveled to the Amazon, Turkey, Italy, Egypt and several other countries while doing internships in renewable hospitality at hotels across the world.
Courtesy photo Cassie De Pecol in the cockpit of a four-seater in the Ecuadorian Amazon with Achuar symbolic face paint on
Cassie also aims to build a community around her trip, inviting interested persons to join her through social media. She has a multitude of pages — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Pinterest and will be doing weekly Youtube videos to show highlights of where she’s been. A live tracking system will show her location on a map on her website and she’ll host Q & A's on her blog.
“I’m excited to get a culture, a community going of people who are interested in this sort of thing. I’m hoping people will get involved,” she said. Find Cassie De Pecol at Sponsorship Opportunities Organizations interested in sponsoring the Symposium are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: In South Africa, please contact Bernadette Nickol:
More Information and Registration More information on the Symposium is available at To register – please visit: |
IIPT World Symposium to feature “Golf for Peace” Day with special Invitation to International Delegates
All delegates, and international delegates in particular, are invited to team up with South African hosts for a truly authentic experience at Glendower Golf Club. ‘Let’s Play’ as “Ambassadors for Peace” - building bridges of friendship among people from different cultures, backgrounds and nationalities. Glendower Golf Club has a proud history dating back to 1935. It is an exquisitely designed, highly ranked parkland golf course in Johannesburg, South Africa. A challenging golf course set amidst gorgeous surroundings, Glendower Golf Club is said to be a test for the world’s best golfers. Glendower has hosted many of South Africa’s flagship tournaments and this month will host the prestigious104th South African Open Championship
The “IIPT Golf for Peace” Day is being organized by Franz Rolinck, Amanda St. George, Bunny Bhoola, Ajit Sikand, Bernadette Nickol, and Lance Ibouah.
Date The Golf for Peace Day will be held immediately following the Symposium, Friday, February 20.
When registering for the Symposium – please indicate your intention to participate in the “IIPT Golf for Peace” Day – website:
Why Golf? Golf is an international sport played by individuals and supported in a team spirit. All players are equal due to the unique handicap system. Sharing a long walk to freedom while discussing cultural experiences, transcending borders and language, celebrating differences and diversity.
It is based on authenticity, values, transparency, openness and honesty. Golf has become a high-end sport which contributes to a significant role in worldwide tourism. Yet,it is often seen as an individual, unsustainable sport - exclusive and elitist. The origins of golf on the ancient 16th Century golf links of Scotland tell a different story. It was played by the community on local common land, for leisure and showcasing the promotion of life and leadership skills - where all are equal. It is a powerful tool overcoming social barriers and to form lasting relationships.
Tourism offers an opportunity for many cultures to play together and to share their history - a long walk to freedom. It offers players an opportunity to share their backgrounds and traditions, to understand how diversity within a world of conflict may be resolved - talking together - walking together - playing together.
The format is to play 18 holes in groups of four players (2 South Africans and 2 visitors). Each hole will be guided by the legacy of our three inspirational leaders - Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr - contributing to international understanding and cooperation, resolution of conflict and mobilising the travel and tourism industry as the world’s first Global Peace Industry.
"Let’s Play" celebrates our diversity for tourism, friendship and peace throughout the world, Friday 20th February 2015.
Living Life - Loving Life - Living Golf
For further information please email or phone Franz Rolinck +27 (0) 798529345 Living Golf International Ltd - Reg. SC 410531 Email: Web: Mobile: +44 (0) 7570 139657, +44 (0) 7587 161770
Sponsorship Opportunities Organizations interested in sponsoring the Symposium are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: In South Africa, please contact Bernadette Nickol:
More Information and Registration More information on the Symposium is available at To register – please visit: Host Partners
Symposium Partners
Media Partners
About IIPT The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding, cooperation among nations, an improved quality of environment, cultural enhancement and the preservation of heritage, poverty reduction, reconciliation and healing wounds of conflicts; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world. It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.” For more information: |
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