IIPT World Symposium to honor the legacies of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. The International Institute for Peace through Tourism’s next event will be a World Symposium honoring the legacies of the world’s three champions of Non-Violent Resistance: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.
IIPT World Symposium Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations Through Tourism, Culture and Sports February 15-20, 2015
To be held at Emperors Palace, nearby O.R. Tambo International Airport, Metropolitan Municipality of Ekurhuleni, Gauteng Province, South Africa.
The Symposium will also commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the African Union 20 years of South African Democracy, and 50th Anniversary of Civil Rights Legislation in the United States
In announcing the World Symposium, IIPT Founder and President Louis D’Amore said, “Our intent will be to harness the Symposium and legacies of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. to build bridges of tourism, friendship and peace between South Africa, India and the United States – and other regions of the world.”
Design of the Symposium will be highly interactive with international experts in community development, community tourism, sports, culture and peace engaging with delegates in the exchange of experiences and ideas; and Ministers of Tourism from countries that have experienced conflict sharing their insights and suggestions related to strategies and best practices for reconciliation, healing wounds of conflict and harnessing tourism, culture and sports in the re-development process.
In addition to Ministers of Tourism from Africa, selected Ministers from countries of Europe, Asia and South America that have experienced conflict will also be invited to participate in inter-active plenary session panels.
Pre-Symposium Forums As with past IIPT Conferences and Summits, Pre-Symposium events will include a full day Educators Forum and full day Student/Youth Leadership Forum. As well, following the precedent of IIPT’s Fifth African Conference in Lusaka, Zambia, a full day Traditional Leaders Forum is also planned.
As well, a US $2,500 scholarship award will be presented to the inter-disciplinary team of 3-5 students writing the best paper on the Symposium Theme of Building Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations through Tourism, Culture and Sport.
IIPT Strategic Partner
JBRC is a strategic partner of IIPT. JBRC's President Timothy Marshall will be conducting a Training session in Community Economic Development for Symposium delegates.
Sponsorship Opportunities Organizations interested in sponsoring the Symposium are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: ljd@iipt.org.
Foundations of Symposium The World Symposium for Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations builds on six previous IIPT global conferences/summits and some 15 international conferences.
Call for Success Stories Persons/organizations interested in submitting case studies of “Success Stories” to be considered for presentation in the Symposium Program are invited to contact Elizabeth Smith, Program Coordinator, Email: Elizabeth.Smith@iipt.org – with a copy to Kunjal Charadva, Program Coordinator, Email: Kunjal.Charadva@iipt.org |
South Africa Peace Towns and Villages Campaign Leading up to IIPT World Symposium
Each IIPT/Skål Peace Town or Village will be actively committed to promoting values of tolerance, non-violence, gender equality, human rights, youth empowerment, environmental awareness, and sustainable social and economic development. Collaboration between and among IIPT/Skål Peace Towns and Villages will be encouraged as well as information sharing regarding Peace Town/Village initiatives.
Skål International is the world’s largest membership organization of travel and tourism industry executives with more than 17,000 members in 405 chapters in 87 countries, and with members from each sector of the industry – several of these chapters are in South Africa.
Peace Towns and Villages across South Africa forms part of the IIPT – Skal International Global campaign for Peace Towns and Villages in support of the World War I Centenary and its theme – “No more War.” A goal has been set for 2000 Peace Towns and Villages by the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, 2018 – the precise hour that World War I – “the war to end all wars” – was declared over in 1918.
The IIPT/Skål Peace Towns and Villages Initiative builds on the foundations of more than 450 IIPT Peace Parks that have been dedicated to Peace in cities and towns throughout the world beginning in 1992 with IIPT’s “Peace Parks Across Canada” project commemorating Canada’s 125th anniversary as a nation.
Eight Peace Towns and Villages have been achieved to date in South Africa. These are:
Knysna - A spectacular tourism destination In Western Cape Province in the heart of the Garden Route that adheres to international standards of sustainable tourism and each year features the Knysna Oyster Festival.
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa - Proposed by Skal Cape Winelands - Stellenbosch is a college town and the proud capital of the Western Cape wine region. The city was founded in 1685 and is South Africa’s second oldest city, promoting itself as the “most inspiring and innovative town in Africa” and dedicating itself to the values of peace, human rights and sustainable development.
Cullinan - Home of the Cullinan diamond mine that produced the world’s largest diamond,the“Cullinan Diamond”. Diamond mine tours are a major tourism attraction of Gauteng Province.
Refilwe - Home of the Refilwe Community development initiative and a welcoming spirit towards international volunteers.
Other peace initiatives in South Africa include
South African Towns and Villages interested in dedicating themselves to peace are invited to contact Bernadette Nickol, email: bernadette@nickolandpartners.com Towns and villages in other regions of the world interested in becoming IIPT/Skal Peace Towns/Villages are invited to contact Elizabeth Smith, email: Elizabeth.Smith@iipt.org |
About IIPT The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, and poverty reduction; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world. It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.” For more information: |
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