IIPT World Symposium, South Africa to be Milestone Event in Building a Culture of Peace and Sustainability
The interactive and action oriented IPT World Symposium: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations through Tourism, Culture and Sports being held in Ekurhuleni, South Africa, February 16-19, 2015 promises to be a groundbreaking event for the travel and tourism industry. The Symposium will honor the legacies of the world’s three champions of Peace and Non-Violent Resistance: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Symposium Aim Aim of the Symposium is to build on the legacies of Mandela, Gandhi and King in building bridges of tourism, friendship and peace in regions throughout the world - and in this process, cultivating sustainable and peaceful communities and nations.
Your Suggestions for Action Initiatives Invited Towards this end, we are asking for your action initiative suggestions that can be paired with other ideas and proposals to develop collaborative action oriented projects/programs to be implemented as a legacy of the Symposium. Please send your ideas/suggestions/proposals to IIPT, email: ljd@iipt.org with the subject line Symposium Action Initiative.
Keynote Speakers
Other keynote speakers will include: Hon. Derek Hanekom, Minister of Tourism, South Africa (Invited); Hon. Alain St. Ange, Minister of Tourism, Seychelles; Amb. Yamina Karitanyi, Head of Tourism and Conservation, Rwanda (Invited); Martin Craigs, (until recently) CEO, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA); Salih Cene, President of Skal International; Mrs. Wahida Jaiet, Managing Director, Tunisian National Tourism Office (TNTO) (invited).Geoffrey Lipman, President, International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP); Mok Singh, Skal International President (2012 – 2013), IIPT International Advisory Board member; and Hiran Cooray, Director, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, Chairman, Jetwing Hotels Ltd. and Past Chairman of PATA (invited).
Anita Mendiratta, Founder and Managing Director, Cachet Consulting, will be a plenary session Moderator.
The highly interactive and action oriented Symposium has two basic aims:
Both with a view to initiating concrete actions towards the implementation of these goals.
Pre-Symposium Forums As with past IIPT Conferences and Summits, Pre-Symposium events will include a full day Educators Forum and full day Student/Youth Leadership Forum. These will each take place on Monday, 16 February.
IIPT Scholarship Award A US $2,500 scholarship award will be presented to the inter-disciplinary team of 3-5 students writing the best paper on the Symposium Theme of Building Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations through Tourism, Culture and Sport.
Community Tourism and Media Workshops
As well, a Pre-Symposium half day Media Workshop will be conducted by Bea Broda, Producer/Writer/Host/Speaker and President of BC PICTURES: multimedia and tv productions. Bea has been a host and producer of a series of TV Travel programs and multi-media projects including “Timeless Places” TV series, "Passport to Adventure" TV series and the two hour tv special “Europe if by Road.” Bea is a Past President of the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW).
Delegates registered for the Symposium can participate in the Pre-Symposium workshops at no extra cost.
Both workshops will be held on Monday, February 16.
Sponsorship Opportunities Organizations interested in sponsoring the Symposium are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: ljd@iipt.org. In South Africa, please contact Bernadette Nickol: bernadette@nickolandpartners.com
Website now Open for Registration For more information and to register for the Symposium, please visit our Symposium website http://www.iiptsymposium.com/ Early bird registration closes 12 December.
Host Partners
Symposium Partners
Media Partners
IIPT World Symposium to Feature Leading Practitioners The IIPT World Symposium: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities through Tourism, Culture and Sports will bring together a number of leading practioners who will share their experience and insights during a series of interactive sessions.
The Symposium, honoring the legacies of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. is being held February 16-19, 2015 at Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni, South Africa.
Leading practitioners who will be participating in the Symposium include:
Thomas Steinmetz, Founder and Chairman, International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) and Publisher, eTurbo News.
Dr. Toni Neubauer, Founder and President, Myths and Mountains; Founder, award winning Rural Education and Development (READ Global) that has served 211 rural communities with its libraries/community centers and positively impacted the lives of 211 million persons. Toni and READ Global are a recipient of the IIPT Ambassador for Peace Award.
Gopinath (Gopi) Parayil, Founder of the award winning The Blue Yonder
Martha Honey, Co-Founder and Co-Director, Center for Responsible Travel (CREST)
Hani Abu Dayyeh, President, Near East Tourist Agency (NET) and negotiator of the Tourism Section of the Oslo Peace Accords for the Palestinians
Dr. Jovan Popesku, Full Professor at SINGIDUNUM UNIVERSITY, Belgrade, Serbia and President, Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Development, Belgrade; former Director of National Tourist Office, Serbia.
Dr. David Adams was the Director of the UNESCO Culture of Peace Program and currently the Founder and Coordinator of the Culture of Peace Network.
Kitty Pope, prominent award winning African American Travel Journalist, Creator of the Africa Diaspora Heritage Trail World Tourism Awards; founder and director of the International Association of Black Travel Writers; President of the Pan African Cultural Heritage Tourism Society and Assistant Director of the National Cultural Heritage Tourism Center
Dr. Patrick Kalifungwa, former Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, Zambia; Vice Chancellor of the award winning Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM).
Glendyrr Fick, Manager, Trade and Development, Knysna Tourism and Founder, Green Chefs.
Steve DeVoss, Founder and President Global Sports Partners, utilizing sports to foster post-conflict reconciliation and healing.
Judy Karwacki, President, Small Planet Consulting, prominent international consultant in sustainable tourism.
Jean Marc Mignon, President, Organisation Internationale du Tourisme Social (O.I.T.S.) – promoting social tourism in regions throughout the world.
Lucky K. Chhetri, President of award winning Three Sisters Trekking, empowering the women of Nepal.
Todd Walters, Founder and Executive Director, International Peace Park Expeditions fostering an interdisciplinary approach to leadership and collaboration for advancement of cross-border environmental collaboration, and to support community driven development.
Timothy Marshall, Chairman, IIPT Board of Directors; President, Jamaica Business Resource Center (JBRC) Amy Friedman, CEO/Founder, Partners International Jennifer Seif, Executive Director, Fair Trade Tourism Enzo Fazzino, Director for Africa, UNESCO, Culture of Peace Program Marsha Smoke, President, Pash Travel and Canadian pioneer in Indigenous Tourism
Nikki Rose, Founder & Director, Crete’s Culinary Sanctuaries and Eco-Agritourism Network Diana McIntyre Pike, President, Countrystyle Community Tours and President, Villages as Businesses, President, IIPT Caribbean Chapter Bea Broda, Producer/Writer/Host/Speaker and President of BC PICTURES: multimedia and tv productions. Past President, Society of American Travel Writers Dr. Ernie Heath, Professor, Department of Business Management, University of Pretoria Cassandra Depecol, TriAthlete and World Traveler
Additional presenters will be announced in the weeks ahead. We welcome your nominations for “Success Stories” and their project directors.
Final Call for Success Stories Community Tourism Woman Empowerment Rural and Agri-tourism Youth Empowerment Community Capacity Building Community Peace Gardens Skills Development Universal Access Private sector contribution Poverty Reduction Youth Travel Micro Enterprise & SME Dev’t Community Peace Parks Peace with Nature Volunteer Tourism Culinary Contributions Healing Wounds of Conflict Post Conflict Socio-Econ. Dev’t Int’l Collaborative Initiatives Educating for a Culture of Peace Role of Technology Trans-border Peace Parks
Please send brief abstracts to Kunjal Charadva, Email: kunjal.charadva@iipt.org, with a copy to Elizabeth Smith, Email: elizabeth.smith@iipt.org
Supporters Welcome Organizations whose missions are aligned with the theme, aims and goals of the Symposium, and wishing to be supportive by promoting the Symposium to their respective networks are invited to contact IIPT President, Louis D’Amore, email: ljd@iipt.org. Supporters will be acknowledged in our future newsletters and in the official Symposium Program. Website is now Open for Registration For more information and to register – please visit: www.iiptsymposium.com Early bird registration closes 12 December
Large and Enthusiastic turnout for IIPT World Travel Market session – Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations
Nearly 100 persons attended the IIPT World Travel Market session that pre-viewed the IIPT World Symposium to be held at Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni, South Africa on the theme: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations through Tourism, Culture and Sport Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni, South Africa February 16 – 19, 2015
The IIPT World Travel Mark session featured industry leaders including: Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Martin Craigs, CEO of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA); Amb. Yamina Karitanyi, Head of Tourism and Conservation, Rwanda; Hiran Cooray, Director, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, Chairman, Jetwing Hotels Ltd. and Past Chairman of PATA; Mrs. Wahida Jaiet, Managing Director, Tunisian National Tourism Office (TNTO) and Mrs. Chandana Khan, Special Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh Tourism, India. Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President, International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) moderated the Panel.
The IIPT session was introduced by IIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore and expertly moderated by Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President, International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP). A full recording of the session has been published in a special edition of eTurbo News and can be accessed at: http://www.eturbonews.com/52285/iipt-tackles-peace-through-tourism-wtm-2014
Geoffrey Lipman, Moderator of the panel mentioned in his opening remarks the thirty year relationship he has had with IIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore beginning when he was Chief of Staff to Director General, Knut Hammarskjold of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Lou, he said, “had convinced Knut that Peace was an integral part of the whole transport and tourism sector.” Geoffrey said he was “the person assigned to meet with Lou and to find out what this strange animal was all about. This was at a time when the first aircraft were being hijacked – there was no precedent for what you do – and IATA was in the middle of it.” I continued following Lou’s journey as President of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and during my time with Dr. Rifai at the UN World Tourism Organization.” Lou, he said “has been the most consistent voice in our industry on Peace through Tourism.” Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, U.N. World Tourism Organization delivered an inspiring talk about the role of tourism in promoting peace and understanding between cultures. Tourism, he said, brings the beauty of the differences between our cultures. It demonstrates that as tourists, people can show that they respect, understand, and celebrate the differences that exist among cultures around the world. He repeated IIPT’s message of ‘tourists as ambassadors for peace’ and how the UNTWO mission aligns with the UN’s three main goals: social progress, human rights, and peace. “Tourist destinations can only be a driving force for peace and understanding when it is as enjoyable for the hosts as it is for the visitors. We can’t just build a five star hotel; we have to build the five star hotels and the five star communities.”
Ambassador Yamina Karitanyi, Head of Tourism and Conservation for the Rwanda Development Board, painted an inspiring picture of the role tourism has played in bringing once warring communities in Rwanda together. She also spoke of the wildlife – community conflict issue. The Ambassador emphasized that in order to recover, the government turned to local communities to be a part of the solution, and that this change needed to be homegrown. Rwanda’s new program puts five percent of tourism revenue back into the local economies - building schools, health clinics, social programs, and contributing generally to socio-economic development. Amb. Kairtanyi said “It takes leadership that understands that you need to put power back into our communities and help them understand the value of protecting wildlife…the value of tourism. No peace, no tourism.”
Mrs. Chandana Khan, Special Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh Tourism, highlighted that peace is about inclusion and empowerment, which is also the key to successful tourism. Andhra Pradesh is the story of a beautiful valley that had become a hostile and terrorized region, but has now recovered its glory by taking ownership of its livelihood through tourism. “Tourism is anything plus imagination” Khan said, “You can combat anything with tourism.” She stressed that peace also needs to manifest itself in its physical environment, so that development and progress can attract visitors, create jobs, and sustain the valley region. For Andhra Pradesh, peace and tourism played a reciprocal role in reviving socio-economic development of the region.
Martin and others on the panel will be keynote speakers at the IIPT World Symposium in South Africa, 16-19 February 2015.
The World Travel Market session was a preview of the ground-breaking IIPT World Symposium: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations to be held at Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni (City of Peace), Gauteng Province, South Africa, February 16-19, 2015. The Symposium will honor the legacies of three champions of Peace and Non-Violence: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. and commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the African Union, 20 years of South African Democracy, and 50th Anniversary of Civil Rights Legislation in the United States.
Please join us at World Travel market and share your experiences and insights. IIPT also welcomes your suggestions for action initiatives and nominations of Success Stories.
For more information and to register – please visit: www.iiptsymposium.com Early bird registration with special early bird registration fees closes 12 December, 2014.
Pietermaritzburg to be named IIPT/Skal City of Peace
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa has great significance for the IIPT World Symposium as it marks the location where non-violent resistance had its beginnings more than 120 years ago. It is where Mahatma Gandhi boarded a train to travel to Pretoria in May 1983. Gandhi had a first class ticket but was ordered by a white man to move from first class to third class. Gandhi refused and was thrown off the train. The incident catalyzed the beginning of the non-violent resistance movement as Gandhi decided to stay in South Africa and fight the oppression of Indians in that country. It was during this struggle that he developed his unique resistance movement known as Satyagraha.
Today a bronze statue stands in Church Street, Pietermaritzburg
IIPT and Skal International are cooperating in a campaign leading up to the IIPT World Symposium to encourage cities, towns and villages across South Africa to declare themselves as IIPT/Skal Peace Cities, Towns and Villages. A goal of 50 IIPT/Skal Peace cities, towns and villages has been set to be achieved by 14 February, 2015 – symbolic of the African Union 50th Anniversary.
Each IIPT/Skål Peace City,Town or Village will be actively committed to promoting values of tolerance, non-violence, gender equality, human rights, youth empowerment, environmental awareness, and sustainable social and economic development. Collaboration between and among IIPT/Skål Peace Towns and Villages will be encouraged as well as information sharing regarding Peace Town/Village initiatives.
Skål International is the world’s largest membership organization of travel and tourism industry executives with some 17,000 members in 400 chapters in 87 countries, and members from each sector of the industry – several of these chapters are in South Africa.
The IIPT/Skål Peace Cities, Towns and Villages initiative builds on the foundations of more than 400 IIPT Peace Parks that have been dedicated to Peace in cities and towns throughout the world beginning in 1992 with IIPT’s “Peace Parks Across Canada” project commemorating Canada’s 125th anniversary as a nation.
Other South African IIPT/Skal Cities, Towns and Villages in South Africa are: Knysna - A spectacular tourism destination In Western Cape Province in the heart of the Garden Route featuring the annual Knysna Oyster Festival.
Stellenbosch, Western Cape - Proposed by Skal Cape Winelands - a college town and the proud capital of the Western Cape wine region. Founded in 1685, Stellenbosch is South Africa’s second oldest city, promoting itself as the “most inspiring and innovative town in Africa” and dedicating itself to the values of peace, human rights and sustainable development.
Skills Village 2030 – noteworthy for implementing a practical framework for workplace experience using festivals and events to identify and bring to market commodities, goods, services and experience unique to the local community. Cullinan - Home of the Cullinan diamond mine that produced the world’s largest diamond, the “Cullinan Diamond”. Diamond mine tours are a major tourism attraction of Gauteng Province.
Rayton – offering world class wedding and conference venues, lodges, horse ranches, dairy farms, Bed & Breakfasts, bass fishing, camping and two Museums - the Willem Prinsloo Agricultural and Sammy Marks museums.
Refilwe - Home of the Refilwe Community development initiative and a welcoming spirit towards international volunteers. (see banner photo)
Overwacht - Home of a proud Khoisan community, the original inhabitants of Southern Africa whose origins can be traced back 100,000 years.
Alexandra Township - The mother and father of townships in South Africa dating back to 1912. It was the only place where black people could buy free-hold land at the time. The Township includes a house where Nelson Mandela stayed.
Other peace initiatives in South Africa include the Dinokeng Game Reserve – IIPT/Skal Nature Conservation Peace Park - the first free-roaming Big 5 residential game reserve in Gauteng Province, South Africa (and probably in the world) next to an urbanized area. A private/public initiative opened in 2011.
South African Cities, Towns and Villages interested in dedicating themselves to peace are invited to contact: Bernadette Nickol: email: bernadette@nickolandpartners.com
Join us in commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the African Union and 20 years of South African democracy by dedicating your city, town of village to Peace. Please contact Louis D’Amore, email: ljd@iipt.org for more information and registration form with a copy to Bernadette Nickol, email: bernadette@nickolandpartners.com Join us in commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the African Union and 20 years of South African democracy by dedicating your city, town of village to Peace. Please contact Louis D’Amore, email:ljd@iipt.org for more information and registration form with a copy to Bernadette Nickol, email: bernadette@nickolandpartners.com Towns and villages in other regions of the world interested in becoming part of the IIPT/Skal Peace Cities/Towns/Villages Global initiative in support of the World War I Centenary and its theme “No More War” are also invited to contact Louis D’Amore, email: ljd@iipt.org with a copy to Elizabeth Smith, email: Elizabeth.Smith@iipt.org
About IIPT The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding, cooperation among nations, an improved quality of environment, cultural enhancement and the preservation of heritage, poverty reduction, reconciliation and healing wounds of conflicts; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world. It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.” For more information: |
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