Universities from Regions throughout the World are Founding Members of IIPT Consortium of Collaborating Universities The International Institute for Peace through Tourism has received an enthusiastic response to its newly formed IIPT Consortium of Collaborating Universities (IIPT – CCU). More than twenty universities have responded from regions throughout the world including Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, Australia, the Caribbean and South Pacific to become founding members of the consortium.
The newly formed IIPT Consortium of Collaborating Universities (IIPT – CCU) is housed at Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) in Lusaka, Zambia. Participating universities have agreed to collaborate in providing third and fourth year university students the opportunity to research and write essays on the various dimensions of “Peace through Tourism” with a selection of the best essays being published by LIUTEBM. The publication will be made available to participants at the UNWTO 2013 General Assembly being hosted by Zambia and Zimbabwe at Victoria Falls in August 2013.
Founding universities include:
Commemoration of IIPT 25th Anniversary Year The IIPT – CCU is the first of IIPT’s Legacy Projects commemorating the 25th anniversary year of its First Global Conference: Tourism – A Vial Force for Peace (Vancouver 1988). Some 800 persons from 67 countries participated in the conference that featured video-taped messages from Pope John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan in the Opening Ceremony and Honorary Chairman of the Conference H.E. Vigdis Finnbogadottir, President of Iceland – the first elected woman Head of State in the world.
The First IIPT Global Conference 1988 first introduced the concept of Sustainable Tourism Development. It also introduced a paradigm of “Tourism for a Higher Purpose” – tourism that contributes to: - Promoting international understanding among peoples and cultures - Collaboration among nations; - Protecting the environment and preserving biodiversity; - Enhancing cultures and valuing heritage; - Sustainable development; - Poverty reduction; and - Healing wounds of conflict and reconciliation through tourism, culture and Sport.
In commemorating its 25th anniversary year, IIPT is launching a series of “Legacy Projects” the first of which is the IIPT Consortium of Collaborating Universities.
As several of IIPT’s conferences and summits – and two of its conference Declarations – the “Amman Declaration on Peace through Tourism” (an official document of the U.N.), and the “Lusaka Declaration on Tourism and Climate Change” resulting from the 2011 IIPT Lusaka Conference on Tourism and Climate Change, have emphasized the importance of drawing on the “ancient wisdom, knowledge and values of Indigenous Peoples,” the area of research in the first year will be: “Methods of conflict resolution and reconciliation in the ancient traditions of Indigenous Peoples.”
Student essays will also suggest how these methods might be applied in current conflict situations and the role that tourism, culture and sport can play in contributing to the enhancement of these methods.
Third and fourth year students at participating universities are being invited to submit a paper not to exceed 2500 words. A selection of the best papers will be published by LIUTEBM with students and their professors being identified as the authors.
Beginning next year, participating universities will be able to suggest topics for research based on the overall theme of ‘Peace through Tourism’ including the role of tourism in the seven areas indicated in the above “Tourism for a Higher Purpose” paradigm.
Other universities interested in becoming Founding Members of the IIPT – CCU are invited to contact: Louis D’Amore, Email: ljd@iipt.org, with a copy to Kristen@iipt.org. |
President of IIPT British Columbia Chapter to be Inducted in
On learning of her recent nomination to the University of Victoria Hall of Fame, Silverado stated, “Uncanny, it is actually the 25th year this year that my national collegiate record was made – and this is the 50th anniversary of the University of Victoria, so it is perfect that i get inducted after the record holds a silver anniversary!” Silverado is a driven person who has many achievements both on and off the cross country and track fields. ”Brenda (Shackleford) was known as a runner,” she says; “I want Silverado to be known as a peace maker and someone who developed a place that cultivates happiness. The work I do with IIPT will be much more important and satisfying than my running and record setting. Participation with IIPT has shown me that the value of peace once recognized becomes exponential through the benefits to society be it stress reduction, crime and war prevention or a myriad of places in between.” Silverado records another fist
Silverado with a comfortable lead on the way to victory
Silverado’s Vision for an IIPT International Peace Park
“I have had this idea of an IIPT International Peace Park being a nature campus for learning and am further expanding this idea to have 3 main areas of study: Peace thru tourism, ethical leadership and environmental stewardship” She is hopeful that the recognition achieved by being inducted into the University of Victoria Hall of Fame will help her achieve her vision for the Peace Park.
Silverado earns her living from offering trail rides during the Okanagan tourist season, and doing so while at the same time offering a home to - and rehabilitating youth at risk who assist in caring for (and developing a bond with) her horses.
Perhaps her most beloved horse is Justice Silverado and Justice
“It comes down to being at peace and accepting your own limitations as well as strengths. This is what i feel so strongly about with what i believe the biggest potential for others lies in. Helping them get that self-discipline and confidence while knowing they are part of a supportive family/team which in turn can lead to peace.”
Silverado has honor of awarding medals to winners in British Columbia Summer Games
To hear and view Silverado in her own words – please click here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature= player_detailpage&v=uktxlSHVWDI | |||||||||||||||||||||
Superplus Centre Mandeville, Jamaica gets
This training was presented by the IIPT Caribbean and the Countrystyle Community Tourism Network/Villages as Businesses in collaboration with the Jamaica Creative Co-operative with their Consultants Diana McIntyre-Pike, President of IIPT Caribbean and President/Founder CCTN/VAB and Maxine Donovan, Co-ordinator, Jamaica Creative Co-operative.
Mrs. Diana McIntyre-Pike, shared the roles of the main community tourism partners: IIPT Caribbean, the Countrystyle Community Tourism Network/Villages as Businesses (www.villagesasbusinesses.com) Let’s do it in the Caribbean marketing and PR Social Media Network (www.let’sdoitintheCaribbean.com) ,Jamaica Creative Co-operative (www.creativejamaicans.com) and the importance of these organization towards the development and marketing of community tourism in Jamaica and the Caribbean. She encouraged all the participants to understand the responsibility of being an entrepreneur, business planning for their community and individual businesses which would enable them to create more income and become independent instead of dependent.
Mrs. Maxine Donovan shared the vision of the Jamaica Creative co-operative and the opening of the CREATIVE Ja Shop and information centre in partnership with the Countrystyle Community Tourism Network and invited the staff and shop operators present to work in partnership with the marketing and promotion of their businesses and register their business information at the CREATIVE Ja Information Centre.
Mrs. Lisa Lueyen, Manager of the Reliance Investments for the Superplus Centre was very
Mr. Stephton Spence, CEO of Jamos Development Limited Caribbean who is supportive of community tourism as the way forward for the Caribbean, was a special guest presenter. He shared with the participants his passion for Jamaica’s rich culture and heritage and encouraged them to become more aware their country in every respect, which would enable them to give more value to customer service.
Workshop topics focused on the requirements for success in community tourism along with what was unique about communities, basic hospitality and customer skills and being an effective marketing Ambassador. | |||||||||||||||||||||
About IIPT The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, and poverty reduction; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world. It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.” For more information: |
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