IIPT President Appointed Chancellor of LIUTEBM University
In announcing the appointment, LIUTEBM Vice Chancellor, Dr. Patrick Kaligungwa stated, “Louis is an outstanding World personality, with international reputation and character befitting the appointment. He has contributed immensely to sustainable tourism development in Africa and other regions of the world and is a World renowned ambassador for Peace through Tourism.
“He has broad knowledge in environmental stewardship, preservingbiodiversity, enhancing cultures and valuing heritage, contribution to poverty reduction and overall tourism development. He brings with him tremendous experience to the University of LIUTEBM, which will bring about more exposure, collaboration, linkages and interaction of the students and lecturers from different environments in Africa, Asia, America and Europe.”
The position of Chancellor is conferred on the distinguished individual from academia and/or public life, which is not resident and does not hold any position in the university.
The Chancellor presides at major ceremonies, the best known being the annual graduation ceremony for the conferment of degrees. In his capacity as Chancellor, Mr. D’Amore will focus on developing key partnering relationships with other exemplary universities and academicians.
In accepting the appointment, Mr. D’Amore stated “I am both immensely honored and humbled by this prestigious appointment. I will contribute to the best of my abilities in supporting Dr. Kalifungwa, Vice Chancellor of the University, the faculty and students in achieving the aim and goals of the University. I will also seek to make LIUTEBM a global academic center in the research, study, and advancement of “Peace through Tourism” in all its dimensions.
Mr. D’Amore will continue in his full time position as President of IIPT and in the organization of conferences and summits on Peace through Tourism in regions throughout the world.
IIPT is proud to announce formation of the South African Chapter of International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT-SA). A group of private professionals ranging from academic, legal, tourism and entrepreneurs have committed to developing impoverished communities in a true spirit of UBUNTU. The Cardinal spirit of Ubuntu is expressed in South African Nguni language “Umuntu umuntu ngomuntu” in English as “person is person though other persons - I am human because I belong to the human community and I view and treat others accordingly.”
The Chapter is so far composed of Nikki De Pina, a Public Relations Specialist Consultant and Facilitator; Victor Sibeko a Public Relations and Communication Management specialist, and entrepreneur passionate about Youth Development; Louw Allan a Tourism and financial consultant entrepreneur; Mapula Tlhagale, a lecturer with University of Pretoria Department of tourism management and specialist in community tourism development; and Advocate Don Leffler, an advocate and head of a tourism, hospitality, sport and business training organization.
Victor Sibeko, Nikki De Pina, Mapula Tlhaqale, Louw Allan, Don Leffler The IIPT – SA team is driven by undying love for community and aims at mobilizing the South African travel and tourism sector to responsibly grow local economies and reduce poverty. Catalysts of change, courageous in their quest for transformation, they are proudly South African and proudly embrace the credo of the IIPT.
“We are very proud to welcome IIPT – SA to the IIPT Family” said IIPT Founder and President Louis D’Amore. “The founding members are clearly a group of dedicated – keen – and passionate professionals intent on contributing to the UN Millennium Development Goals through responsible and sustainable community tourism. And we are most pleased to see that IIPT – SA has already developed relationships with the IIPT Caribbean, IIPT Australia, and IIPT Indian Ocean chapters.
The South African IIPT Management Team comprises experts in sustainable tourism development, entrepreneurship, youth development, education and training.
Victor Sibeko acting President of IIPT-SA said “Our vision for IIPT-SA, for South Africa and our neighboring countries, especially within SADC - is a world in which we embrace peace, value one another's equality, embody the essence and spirit of Ubuntu in our work, family, and community lives.
“We are inspired to take advantage of initiatives that seek to ensure a better life for all in a manner that enables individuals and communities to reach their full intellectual, social, and spiritual potential.”
Olympic Truce Campaign Gathers Strength - What you can do
The tradition of the Olympic Truce dates back to 776 BC, on the occasion of the first recorded Olympic Games in ancient Greece. City-states decided to cease all warfare and endorse Truce thus sending a message of peace and fair play. During the Truce, athletes, artists and their families, as well as ordinary pilgrims, could travel in total safety to participate in or attend the Olympic Games and return afterwards to their respective countries.
Persons and organizations wishing to be involved in any of the above are invited to email Louis D’Amore, IIPT President – ljd@iipt.org
IIPT World Peace Tours
Travel Agents Travel Agents please note that tours are commissionable – please contact Louis D’Amore, Email: ljd@iipt.org
Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change to Tourism: Industry officials, experts, academics and practitioners share their knowledge, experience, research and methods of best practice to address and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change Edited by Louis D’Amore and Dr. Patrick Kalifungwa
The International Institute for Peace through Tourism’s 5th IIPT African Conference: “Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change to Tourism in Africa and the Developing World,” was held in Lusaka, Zambia, in May 2011. Participants in the Conference were so enthusiastic about the quality of presentations that they believed the knowledge should be shared with a wider audience.
Accordingly, this publication contains papers and presentations from the 5th IIPT African Conference and other selected experts’ case studies, articles and models of best practice. It was developed in collaboration with IIPT’s academic partner in the Conference, Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). To read the case studies, click on this link. There is no cost to access the book but contributions to IIPT to offset costs are welcome.
About IIPT The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, and poverty reduction; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world. It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.” For more information: |
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