IIPT and eTurboNews Call for World Travel and Tourism Industry Support of Olympic Truce
The tradition of the Olympic Truce dates back to the 9th century BC, in Ancient Greece. During the Truce period, the athletes, artists and their families, as well as ordinary pilgrims, could travel in total safety to participate in or attend the Olympic Games and return afterwards to their respective countries. Since its revival in 1992, the Olympic Truce has a demonstrated history of helping to further dialogue and understanding — providing a valuable window of opportunity to work towards the peaceful resolution of conflict. The Olympic Truce once again calls upon humanity to lay down its weapons and to work towards building the foundations of peace, mutual respect, understanding and reconciliation. PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE OLYMPIC TRUCE
D’Amore cited the following statistics: World Military Expenditures are currently in excess of US$ 1.5 trillion - greater than the GDP of every nation in the world except seven - roughly equal to the total income of 40% of the world’s population who struggle to survive at the bottom of the economic pyramid - $220 for every man woman and child in the world when
D’Amore first announced that IIPT would seek to mobilize the global travel and tourism industry in support of the Olympic Truce at a World Travel Market 2008 special event commemorating the 20th anniversary of IIPT’s 1st Global Conference, Vancouver 1988. His proposal received immediate and enthusiastic endorsement by Ms. Michele McKenzie, Chair, Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) and other global travel and tourism industry leaders taking part in the event. (See photo below).
Building on Canada’s long history of promoting peace, the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Truce aims to extend the ideals of Olympism through an open invitation to act in the Olympic spirit – mutual understanding in the spirit of friendship, solidarity, and fair play - on creating everyday peace at home, in schools, in the workplace, and in communities in Canada and abroad. The invitation to “Make Your Peace” calls on individuals to reflect and act on the Olympic Truce in their own unique way, resulting in a truce program that can be shared and “owned” by everyone. The messages of peace, equality, inclusion and friendship are intrinsic to local and global citizenship. PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE OLYMPIC TRUCE About eTurboNews
About IIPT The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, and poverty reduction; and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world. It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.” For more information: |
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