IIPT Launches World Peace Tours to Iran:
Building Bridges of Culture and Understanding
The International Institute of Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is taking steps to build bridges of culture and mutual understanding between the peoples of Iran and the United States by offering Americans opportunities to visit this ancient civilization and learn first-hand about its nine thousand year history, rich culture, and welcoming spirit of its people.
Notel to Travel Agents: All travel agents will receive commissions from the sale of the tours.
In announcing the tours, IIPT Founder and President, Louis D’Amore stated, “IIPT is pleased to launch its Persian Journey tours. We recognize Iran’s historical significance as a civilization – and the importance of building bridges of understanding between our cultures."
The Iran tours have been crafted to reinforce IIPT’s dedication to “making Travel and Tourism the world’s first Global Peace Industry” and the belief “that every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace." The tours will exemplify IIPT’s ideals and values as expressed in the ‘IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler.’
Two 11-day tours will depart in Fall 2009 hosted by the IIPT’s World Peace Travel program as part of its continuing efforts in “promoting a culture of peace through tourism”. IIPT believes visitors to Iran will find the country rich in history, vibrant in culture, and warm in hospitality with Iranians eager to meet and welcome them to Iran.
Donald King, IIPT Ambassador at Large, has led several previous trips to Iran and firmly believes, “There is no warmer welcome for Americans anywhere than in Iran.”
IIPT’s Iran Tours: A Persian Journey
IIPT’s first tour to Iran is scheduled for Sept 22-Oct 2, 2009 and will be led by Louis D’Amore, IIPT Founder and President, who has recently visited Iran at the invitation of the country’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The second tour is scheduled for October 6-16, 2009 and will be led by Donald King, IIPT’s Ambassador at Large, who has said “A tour of Iran offers an American the opportunity to experience a richness of culture and history that is unsurpassed.”
Both tours have identical itineraries and will take in the splendor of Iran’s ancient and modern civilization showcased at its three main cities: Tehran, Shiraz and Isfahan. The tours will visit the treasure trove of museums in Tehran, magnificent ruins of Persepolis and grandeurs of the old city of Isfahan. The spectacular sightseeing will also be complimented by off the beaten track excursions such as an evening visiting nomads, sipping tea along the bridges overlooking the scenic Zayandeh River or exploring the myriad of bustling bazaars.
For more information on IIPT’s Persian Journey, please click here.

IIPT Proud Partner in
5th African Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference
The United Republic of Tanzania, a country rich in history, culture, natural resources, economic promise will host the Fifth International African Diaspora Heritage Trail (ADHT) Conference, October 25-30, 2009, in Dar es Salaam. This will be the first time the ADHT Conference has convened on the continent of Africa and promises to be a historic journey for the more than 200 delegates expected to attend. The ADHT is an annual forum to enhance cultural tourism in the African Diaspora.
Mt. Kilimanjaro
“I appreciate the efforts of the ADHT to bring together people from all over the world to identify places and phenomenon in order to conserve, document and preserve the global presence and cultural influence of people of African descent, and contribute this knowledge to the world stage of history, culture and contemporary affairs.” Hon. Shamsa Mwangunga, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, United Republic of Tanzania – Host
This year the African Diaspora Heritage Trail movement is going back to its roots. For the first time the ADHT Conference will be held in Africa. Half of the conference will take place in Dar Es Salaam and the other half in Zanzibar – two stunningly beautiful Tanzanian cities. We’re calling it “Africa Homecoming”. This is now our fifth international conference. We have our charitable status in place and our foundation now has a motivated director on board to pilot the ship. We are properly prepared to move forward the objective of educating the world on the cultural heritage of the African Diaspora. Dr. the Hon. Ewart F. Brown, J.P., M.P., Premier and Minister of Tourism and Transport, Bermuda
“IIPT is particularly proud to again be a partner in this important conference as It was at IIPT’sFirstGlobal Summit on Peace through Tourism in Amman, Jordan, November 2000 that the late Hon.David H. Allen was inspired with the vision of “The African Diaspora Heritage Trail” (ADHT). Within six months, the ADHT was launched as a self-guided tour in Bermuda. It was subsequently presented in its full concept for the first time at the 1st IIPT African Conference on Peace through Tourism in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, March 2002.” Louis D’Amore, IIPT Founder and President
Louis D'Amore,
Founder & President, IIPT
In May 2002, Hon. David H. Allen’s inspired idea took full flight with international support at the First African Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference in Bermuda. In Hon. David Allen’s own words: “The aim of the African Diaspora Heritage Trail is to identify, conserve, and promote historic sites linked with the development and progress of people of African descent.”
Hon. David Allen, the late Minister
of Tourism, Bermuda
The 2009 Conference will provide a continuing forum for the sharing of the vision, models, policy and resources that govern the development of the African Diaspora Heritage Trail - gathering diverse talented and experienced persons from throughout the African Diaspora who are committed to the authentic research, documentation, promotion and dynamic development of African Diaspora Heritage sites/venues, museums, monuments, and cultural expressions.
Five Exciting Themes Anchor the 2009 Conference
- Historical Accuracy and Perspective in Traditional and Contemporary Heritage
- InterpretationTelling the Story: Cultural Education, Expression and Industries Development
- Partnership Creation and Private Sector Participation in Heritage Destination Development
- Identifying Resources for Infrastructure and Heritage Site Developmen
- Communications: Marketing and Networking for Global Visitor Attraction
If you are interested in addressing the conference on any of these exciting topics, please contact Henderson Associates at diaspora@hend.com.
For more information on the ADHT Conference, contact ADHT conference headquarters.
Website: www.adht.net
Email: diaspora@hend.com
Phone: 301-650-5700 ext 507

IIPT Again Proud Sponsor of THETRADESHOW
IIPT is proud to again be a sponsor of THETRADESHOW 2009 (Travel Retailing and Destination Expo) being held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, September 13 - 15, 2009.
THETRADESHOW 2009 again provides a major opportunity for IIPT collaboration with ASTA and its partners in promoting travel throughout the world as a vital force for international understanding, peace, and sustainable development.
Clearly, the shared mission of IIPT in “Building a Culture of Peace through Tourism” has never been more important. It is only through travel and people-to-people encounters that we can come to realize the full significance of our inter-connectedness and common future in an ever shrinking “Global Village” – and as the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism will play an essential role in the anticipated economic recovery.
THETRADESHOW is a 3-day, in-depth networking and educational event. Global and inclusive uniting under one roof travel suppliers and buyers from all over the world, representing every segment of the travel and tourism industry.
As a travel retailer, attending this travel show, gives you the best opportunity to assemble a diverse, dynamic group of travel suppliers and destinations that will give you new, profitable business options to have at your fingertips when the deal is on the line.
The 3-day travel show conference program is designed specifically for you. It offers comprehensive education and training to enrich your career and increase your sales. By attending THETRADESHOW, you will gain the essential knowledge and expertise to make your travel business more profitable.
Plus, you will love the variety of exhibitors!
With over 500 exhibiting travel companies and destinations, you will connect with the largest and most comprehensive collection of suppliers and destinations at THETRADESHOW. Visit the Interactive Exhibit Hall Floor Plan to plan your show route, look up exhibitors by name or keyword. Check back often, as exhibitors are added daily!

THETRADESHOW provides you a great opportunity where the return far exceeds the investment. If you want to make more money selling travel, you need to be at THETRADESHOW
Register NOW to attend the #1 travel show in North America.
Clothing and Food Needed for Sri Lanka
The Buddhist Viharaya Temple in Garner, North Carolina is collecting food and clothing for persons who have been made homeless in Sri Lanka as a result of the war.
They are beginning by collecting clothing (near new, washed and ironed or dry cleaned), food items- noodles, spaghetti, etc, sanitary napkins, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Donations can be received through mid-May and possibly longer.
Organizers of the clothing and food drive would appreciate very much, if donors could consider making financial contributions, since that will help them avoid high freight cost,cumbersome logistical arrangements and possible delays involved with regards to transporting material donations to Sri Lanka
Please write your check payable to 'NC Buddhist Temple' from where all funds received will be sent to the Buddhist priest, Rev Wajirapala Thero who is organizing the drive from Sri Lanka.

The postal address to send your donation is:
Buddhist Viharaya Temple
907 Northview Street
Garner, NC 27529
Additional Information is available from Mallika Perez, Email: mallika@nc.rr.com Tel. 919-636-0756 – Temple Website: http://www.ncvihara.org/ |