Premier Dr. Ewart F. Brown to be
Keynote Speaker
at 4th IIPT African Conference
Kampala, Uganda,
May 20-25, 2007

Dr. The Honorable Ewart
Brown, JP, MP, Premier of Bermuda |
We are proud to
announce that Bermuda Premier and Minister of Tourism
and Transport, The Hon. Dr. Ewart F. Brown, JP, MP will
be a featured Keynote Speaker at the 4th IIPT
African Conference on Peace through Tourism being held
May 20 – 25 in Kampala, Uganda under the patronage of H.
E. Yomeri Kaguta Museveni.
The conference is being
organized by IIPT in partnership with the Africa travel
Association (ATA) in support of the UN Decade of Peace
and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and the
UN Millenium Development Goals. |
As Minister of Tourism and
Transport, and Deputy Premier, Dr. Brown hosted the 2006 Africa
Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference held in Bermuda, September 2006.
The goal of the 2006
conference was to provide a continuing forum for sharing
philosophies, policies, resources, strategic
models, and cultural expression that enhance heritage
tourism development and stimulate the
perpetuation of African Diaspora Heritage Trail destinations,
programs and products - all crafted from the perspective of
people of the African Diaspora working to conserve the vast achievements
of Africa’s cultures. |
Over a period of almost
four centuries, four million Africans were transported to
North America and the Caribbean Islands
in the Atlantic Slave trade, the largest forced migration in world
The African Diaspora is
the story of how African people, though scattered and dispersed, managed
to retain their traditions and reform their identities in a New
World. |
It was the vision of former Minister of Tourism, the
late Honorable David H. Allen JP, MP that the African Diaspora Heritage Trail
would link historic and cultural sites throughout the countries |

Hon. David Allen, the late Minister of
Tourism, Bermuda |
of the Diaspora, so that
potential visitors could follow its global trail and be properly educated on
sites of significance.
Sites in Bermuda, the Caribbean,
South, Central America, Africa and the United States would be identified
and linked together. The African Diaspora Heritage Trail identifies,
conserves and promotes historic sites, linking 500 years of the history of
people of African descent, and serving to focus attention on a unified culture,
history and heritage. |
IIPT looks forward to continuing its support of the Africa Diaspora Heritage
Trail as part of the
4th IIPT African Conference goals.
Other Confirmed Keynote Speakers
include: Hon. Kabinga Pande, Minister of Tourism, Republic of Zambia; Mr. H. E.
Joseph Malwal Dong,
Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife of Sudan,
H.E. Senator Akel Biltaji, Special Advisor to H.M. King Abdulah II, Hashemite
Kingdom of Jordan; Sir Janantilal (Andy) Chande, KBE; Renee Webb, former
Minister of Tourism and Communications, Bermuda; Birger Bäckman, former Director
General and currently Senior Advisor to the Board of Directors, United
Federation of Travel Agencies Associations (UFTAA) Board; and Anastasia Mann,
Chairman and CEO, Corniche Travel Group. |

Kampala Serena Hotel to be Venue and Official
Hotel of
4th IIPT African Conference |
We are pleased to announce
that the Kampala Serena Hotel has been selected as the Conference Venue
and Official Hotel of the 4th IIPT African Conference. The
hotel is the latest addition to the Serena Group of Hotels, owned and
operated by Tourism Promotion Services (TPS), an arm of the Aga Khan
Fund for Economic Development (AKFED). |
The five star Kampala Serena Hotel is a milestone for Uganda’s tourism
industry. It is the most recent of the Serena Group of Hotels 17
properties in Africa as part of its mandate to contribute to sustainable
economic growth in an environmentally and culturally sensitive manner.
At its Official Opening on November 10, 2006,
President Museveni congratulated the AKFED for its contribution to the
country saying “The story of the Serena is the story of the recovery of
Uganda. The fact that you can have such a world-class hotel in Uganda is
proof that Uganda is recovering.”
Also speaking at the hotel’s inauguration
ceremony, His Highness the Aga Khan said, “ Our
intention is that this major new hotel in
the Capital City of Uganda can be followed
by a quality circuit of new resorts and safari lodges in the

His Highness the Aga Khan and His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni
arrive at the inauguration of the Serena Hotel in Kampala, Uganda.
Photo credit: AKDN/Gary Otte
When that happens, a new East African travel circuit will be completed
-- featuring world class, state-of-the-art facilities, comprising a
unique array of inspiring attractions, and offering a holiday experience
The Serena Kampala Hotel is
part of a broad development program in Uganda that includes healthcare;
primary, secondary and tertiary education; training for professionals,
including nurses and doctors, infrastructure projects that include
hydroelectricity and rural electrification, and other private sector
initiatives that include the fabrication of fish nets for Lake
Victoria’s fishermen, the manufacture of essential pharmaceuticals and
the operation of important media outlets.
In announcing the Kamapla
Serena decision, IIPT Founder and President said, “The Serena Group of
Hotels provides an exemplary model of the potential for the tourism and
hospitality industry to serve a “higher purpose” as IIPT has advocated
since its founding in 1986. We look forward to working with the highly
professional management and staff of the Kampala Serena in making this
the best IIPT African Conference to date.” |
For more
information please visit: www.SerenaHotels.com |
IIPT African Conference Call for Proposals
IIPT is interested
in receiving proposals for the presentation of case studies of “Success Stories”
and “Models of Best Practice” for the 4th IIPT African Conference on
Peace through Tourism to be held in Kampala, Uganda – May 20 to 25, 2007.
are invited from Project Directors, Professionals, and Practitioners in the
fields of: Travel and Tourism; Culture; Sport; Parks and Wildlife Management;
Environmental Conservation; Sustainable Development; Peace and Conflict
Resolution; Cross-Cultural Communication; Human Rights; Youth Empowerment; and
the Media.
Theme of the conference is:
Building Strategic Alliances for Sustainable Tourism Development,
Peace and
Reconciliation on the African Continent.
Conference Goals are to:
Further Public and
Government awareness of the central role of tourism in sustainable wealth
creation, cultural enrichment, and preservation of biodiversity on the
African Continent;
international public appreciation of Africa’s positive attributes including
its rich mosaic of peoples, cultures, and biodiversity;
Identify and develop
strategies for expanding market opportunities in Asia, Europe, North
America, and domestic markets, and continue
building ‘Bridges of Tourism, Friendship and
Encourage and
facilitate collaborative public – private sector – donor – NGO and civil
society strategies for new product development; and
Foster initiatives
that contribute to reconciliation, peace and sustainable wealth creation in
regions that have experienced conflict.
Examples of
topics to be discussed on conference program: |
Contribution to Poverty Reduction
the Wounds of Conflict
Capacity Building
Based Tourism
and Heritage Tourism
Micro-Enterprise and SME Tourism Development
Sector Models
Innovations in Destination Marketing
Bridges of Tourism, Friendship and Collaboration
Models of
Sustainable Tourism
and Environment/Wildlife
Parks and Protected Areas
and Philanthropic Tourism
for Peace and Development
Travel and Empowerment
and Training
of the Media in Peace and Development
of the Arts in Peace and Development
Travel for All
Public-Private Partnerships and Alliances
Sustainable Funding of Innovative Projects
As well, we encourage innovative proposals in other areas.
will be allotted approximately 15 - 20 minutes for their presentation as well as
time at the end of each session for questions and discussion.
For complete details on the Call for Proposals, please
click here to visit our website
download PDF.
Submissions: |
include: 1) Presenter’s name, affiliation, and contact information
including e-mail, telephone, fax, postal address and website; 2) Title and
Keywords of Paper/Presentation/Poster/Panel/Workshop;
and 3) Brief Description of topic.
Presenters of ‘Success Stories’ and ‘Models
of Best Practice’ are encouraged to include in their presentation challenges
faced and actions implemented. In submitting an abstract, at least one of the
authors agrees to attend the 4th IIPT African Conference, if accepted. |
An abstract of no more than 2 pages must
be received by 17 February 2007.
Submit your abstract, preferably in MS Word format, via email to: africa@iipt.org
Notification of Acceptance will be provided no later than February 26, 2007. |
Your Support with One Earth One Family
IIPT Plaques and Gift Cards
Created exclusively for IIPT, both items
display the IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveler
and Art Piece by R. Padre Johnson.
The Credo of the Peaceful Traveler puts
forth an ethical travel philosophy for travelers to abide by. The IIPT
Credo of the Peaceful Traveler was the inspiration of a very special person at
the IIPT First Global Conference: Tourism - A Vital Force for Peace, Vancouver
1988. We have respected the author's request to remain annonymous. The IIPT
Credo has since spread across the travel and tourism industry worldwide.
The One Earth One Family art piece
by R. Padre
Johnson provides a view of our incredible earth from outer space, surrounded by the open
faces of 25 children and adults from different cultures. Each portrait represents an important visual statement
about the unique and interesting facial difference in each individual, the
culture and ethnicity each represents, and the limitless threads of common
humanity that draws all citizens of our planet more closely together as one
inter-dependent family.
These items will remind all who see or
receive them of what a privilege it is to travel freely throughout the world and
the opportunity they have as they travel to be ambassadors of international
understanding, good will and peace. These items will be admired and appreciated
by everyone who sees them in your office, place of business or home.
Costs are $200 (US) plus shipping for an Acrylic
Plaque, and $15 (US) plus shipping for a Gift Card pack of 10 Cards and Envelopes.
To order online or by fax/mail, please visit our website:
International Institute for Peace Through Tourism
685 Cottage Club Road,
Unit 13, Stowe, VT 05672
Tel: +1 802 253 2658 • Fax: +1 802 253 2645
About IIPT
The International Institute for
Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to
fostering travel and tourism initiatives that contribute to international
understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the
preservation of heritage, and poverty reduction; and through these
initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.
It is founded on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and
tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief
that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace.”
For more information:
IIPT Website:
Tel: (802) 253-2658
Fax: (802) 253-2645
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